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Showing posts from November, 2022

Birth of Individuals in an Age of Anxiety

I All forms of knowledge are system-driven. You dare to take a leaf out of tree and call it autonomous self. The fall and flight of it may be glorified as freedom, but in the end, one must admit its reality as a tree. And every tree is a system, a network of its multiple parts, whose identity and functions are determined by inter-play of its various parts. Knowledge is a system like a tree, whose possibility is actualised in cybernetic sense.              II The modern culture likes to propagate a culture of specialization and produces a few specialists, who barely understand life and its organic playfulness. A doctor, an engineer, a bureaucrat, a political leader, or a cosmologist perceives the truth in isolated sense, their education is limited, their sense of truth suffers from cave-mentality. A doctor who cannot feel the spiritual reality in patient is just like a shopkeeper who knows price of everything but value of nothing. A lawyer, who is amuse...

Meditating on Entangled Life

Subordination is a compromise of human's dignity, which radiates in every soul of the Universe. In ignorance, people keep searching the fulfillment in ideology, faith, material success, and entertainment, etc., Paradoxically, one has everything when one stops searching. And one forgets everything when the ecology of bafflement pervades and dismantle every iota of peace and tranquility. Human's desires are infinite like a long succession of time. Every fulfillment of desire leads towards another quest of desire. In this series of oceanic webs of desires, one gets nothing and looses nothing but remains troubled to meet with the perfection. What is perfection if not an image? Image whose realization doesn't stop one for imagining further. And the quest to realize a perfect sense of image makes one fearsome and anxious. In fact, every idea of perfection is created in antagonism of imperfections. Every attempt to eliminate imperfections leads one towards self-defeat. One can...

जीवन खेल खेल में

मानो तो बस उलझन है ना मानो तो दर्पण है कोई देखे तो वह सावन है कोई रम जाए तो मनभावन है कोई पूजे तो वो ईश्वर है कोई घृणा करे तो वो रावण है कोई खेले तो मनोरंजन है उस पथिक के लिये यह जीवन है