I All forms of knowledge are system-driven. You dare to take a leaf out of tree and call it autonomous self. The fall and flight of it may be glorified as freedom, but in the end, one must admit its reality as a tree. And every tree is a system, a network of its multiple parts, whose identity and functions are determined by inter-play of its various parts. Knowledge is a system like a tree, whose possibility is actualised in cybernetic sense. II The modern culture likes to propagate a culture of specialization and produces a few specialists, who barely understand life and its organic playfulness. A doctor, an engineer, a bureaucrat, a political leader, or a cosmologist perceives the truth in isolated sense, their education is limited, their sense of truth suffers from cave-mentality. A doctor who cannot feel the spiritual reality in patient is just like a shopkeeper who knows price of everything but value of nothing. A lawyer, who is amuse...
There is something in everything and everything in something.