What it means to feel alive in a world of utopia? Why the world has lost the art to imagine an impossible future beyond the parochial identity and self-interest? What was the motivation behind the division of idealist and practical world? Why do we prefer to achieve the status of "economic man"? Have we lost the touch with nature? Why do people suffer from the amnesia that each and every faith of possession is just like a traveler in an unknown path, which will wither away without any hope to return back? Whether human being is just like a human capital, invested for a better return? Why do we suffer in our own imagination? Why do we believe that name, fame, and identity shall remain alive in the archive of history, even though, the history suggests that the lives of the human's species on the planet is a tiny spec of dust in the vast horizon of Universe's history? Why don't we care to feel the lives around us? Aren't we busy for artificial and superficial ach...
There is something in everything and everything in something.