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Showing posts from February, 2021

I am living in a world of questions

What it means to feel alive in a world of utopia? Why the world has lost the art to imagine an impossible future beyond the parochial identity and self-interest? What was the motivation behind the division of idealist and practical world? Why do we prefer to achieve the status of "economic man"? Have we lost the touch with nature? Why do people suffer from the amnesia that each and every faith of possession is just like a traveler in an unknown path, which will wither away without any hope to return back? Whether human being is just like a human capital, invested for a better return? Why do we suffer in our own imagination? Why do we believe that name, fame, and identity shall remain alive in the archive of history, even though, the history suggests that the lives of the human's species on the planet is a tiny spec of dust in the vast horizon of Universe's history? Why don't we care to feel the lives around us? Aren't we busy for artificial and superficial ach...

Embracing a Culture of Dialogue: Meeting with Students

After a long period of time, I have a dialogue with my friends cum students. I was feeling like some unknown in me was revealing me or my consciousness was revealing substratum of my being. Dialogue is the genesis of wisdom, especially when it begins with open heart to unlearn the rooted prejudices. Monologue reflects a culture of ego, blind and dogmatic, happy in an "inner retreat to citadel" (Ishaih Berlin). Socrates was wise because he was aware about his ignorance. So he went to a journey of dialogue. "Academia", a borrowed term from Greece, a culture of modern teaching, which is not embracing a culture of dialogue. Teaching has become a monologue profession, whereas communicative reason is not explored. Two people can talk only in a symmetrical relationship to converge the static position into malleability. Dialogue is the possibility of real integrated learning. I'm blessed to get an opportunity to learn, share, and enter into a dialogical space. What on e...

Binary and Value Judgment

Decline is condemned usually by people of the highest intelligence. Height of growth is appreciated like one climbs the sky beyond the horizon of imagination. But law of gravity applies for all in equal manner. Growth and decline are the two sides of the reality; one cannot choose one at the cost of another. One is meaningful in the existence of another. There is nothing because there is something. Nothing and something are no separate zones, thrive in isolation. Both are real and truthful to the common sense. People appreciate excellence at the cost of reducing many deeds as mediocrity. Excellence and mediocrity are the similar zones, produced by morally sensitive minds. Moral questions are the human's questions, which deal with the values and desirability. Act of choosing symbolizes the confusion. More freedom of choices one has more confusion one has to overcome. Let the water flow or wind blow from higher to lower zones. The lower one goes, the higher possibilities one has to c...

Dialectics of Man and Nature

L ife is a thought, abstraction, speculation, a dialectics between subject and object, internality and externality, spirituality and materiality. Man is as natural as nature is humane; each-one cancels out each-other, in the process of estrangement of consciousness objective world is perceived likewise consciousness is a total sum of objective world. One transforms into another, destroys each-other to save each-other. If I exist, it is a bundle of materiality, conditioned and cultured, which shapes the ego of a man. The objective world is likewise an extension of consciousness or transformation in which consciousness defines what is objective world. World is an alienated reality like consciousness is. Both are alienated as well as real for each-other. Nature and man are the realization of each-other. Birth of every lively creature is the first moment to move towards death; life and death cancels out each-other like day and night. One is incomplete as a number in isolation without the c...

Burden of Name and Identity

Picture's Courtesy: Pinterest Descartes rightly said that "I think therefore I am". Thinking was the first condition of name and identity, often taken too seriously like a burden to carry on in spite of all the inconveniences one has to face in the journey of life. Name is just like an image, referred to denote the archive of men made of flesh and bones like any other carbon material. Greatness doesn't belong to real entity, composed  of five elements of nature, rather it is an end product of thought and conditioning, responsible to establish a subordinated culture and mental slavery. One carries all too burden of name, the fossils of identity, and projects over the lively reality so as to blur the distinction between life and death. Identity is defragmented past, haunts the freshness of presence forever. One which could be identified as name, concept, or category is a thing without freshness of uncertainty. How come one remains one single name even if many cells or m...

Modern Man

I am the wing wounded in the race to beat the life I have forgotten how to fly I am a bundle of memory  Recycling its dreams each day  Even though it falls asleep at nights I am a garden of hope Thinking too loudly about dreams  Which is yet to come Meanwhile time is leaking like a fist of sand; Un-lived and untouched I am life like a detached bureaucracy Always anxious about efficiency Even if emotions are blowing like a river  Inside hearts of living organism I am a modern man Lost in quest of insatiable name and fame Like a fiction eclipsing the real blood and flesh I am a self-centered nature Away from roots  Wandering in the system of rank and subordination So as to escape from inherent freedom I am a joyless player Like a machine Capable to produce and consume  Without able to listen the music of birds and rivers

Writing few words for Teaching and Research

  Dear Friends, I am thankful to you for providing me an opportunity to express my feeling about teaching and research. I believe in the simple philosophy, expressed by Friedrich Nietzsche to his sister, "If you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe; if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire". Teaching and learning for me is more than profession or vocation; it is as sacred as unconditional giving without any motive or wish to get things in return. What would be the finest ethics of commerce if ignorant about love and kindness, care and generosity? Teaching, if taken as a love, is the best music one can feel; what else is so harmonious and beautiful than quest of knowledge, its boundless possibilities to know and shape the current moment and unknown future. Buddha, Gandhi, Socrates, and Tagore; they were the best students of life and its wisdom and perhaps the best teachers of humanism, whose wisely words are the garden, which allows the possibi...