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Descartes rightly said that "I think therefore I am". Thinking was the first condition of name and identity, often taken too seriously like a burden to carry on in spite of all the inconveniences one has to face in the journey of life. Name is just like an image, referred to denote the archive of men made of flesh and bones like any other carbon material. Greatness doesn't belong to real entity, composed of five elements of nature, rather it is an end product of thought and conditioning, responsible to establish a subordinated culture and mental slavery. One carries all too burden of name, the fossils of identity, and projects over the lively reality so as to blur the distinction between life and death. Identity is defragmented past, haunts the freshness of presence forever. One which could be identified as name, concept, or category is a thing without freshness of uncertainty. How come one remains one single name even if many cells or many bodies, embodied by a being, replace itself and transform into each-other? How difficult it is to rely on concept even if the subject of concept is in flux? Every desire of truthfulness is the fruit of memory, resides in the nostalgia of coherence like a fixed pattern, afraid of change. Every moral concept is a desire, produced by thought, to overpower the change, which is one and only law, applicable in the world of conventional reality. I wonder if I am not the same person what I was just a moment ago, how do I fit into the category of unit, known as subject? I am not the dead subject but an open possibility to embrace the change, a possibility like alive breezing, quite similar to the freshness of raindrops, unlike an archive of historicity; I am not a thing to be owned and possessed. No wage can justify the equivalence of the freshness and innocence of freedom. Child is an open possibility, for no name or identity is burdensome enough to subdue the innocence of stillborn mind. One who loves freedom must relive oneself from the dichotomy of master-servant relationship. Relationship, if at all a name to rely upon, must be a synonym of dialogic culture without getting subordinated in the culture of name and identity. As Habermas rightly explained about the "communicative reason" as the foundation of democratic ethos. Every single division, between person and very important person, between master and employee, between producer and consumer, is synonymous to un-freedoms, which is cultured and schooled since the first experience of consciousness a child is exposed to. The burden of name is antithesis to life and freshness. One who is unknown is alive like a plant, dancing in tune of wind, without caring about weight of existence. A saint is like fresh air, unlike Alexander, craving for a fictitious achievement, remains forever a symbol of "archive fever" (Jacques Derrida).
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