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Showing posts from July, 2021

Pegasus: New Tool for Disciplinary Society

A good friend is potentially a worst enemy. Artificial Intelligence may be a best tool to create ease in our life but it is also a double sword weapon. It may turn out to be lethal enough to change the information into "information warfare" as suggested by former security advisor M.K. Narayanan. Pegasus demonstrates the human's capabilities to intrude privacy at will. It challenges the traditional apparatus of security and asks new questions whose answers must not be given in haste. It requires long term meditation to find out the ramifications and its solutions so as to secure the lives of people. Pegasus allows to transform democratic set up into a "disciplinary society", which is inversely proportional to the choice based democratic moores. Information has stimulating influence over everyone and everything in our epoch. This is a megastructure built upon the edifice of human's Psyche to intrude into the lives of others and to know about the secrecy one wa...

Positive and Negative Mental Attitude

Reading Napoleon Hill's book Think, Grow, and Rich one may realize the beauty of positive mental attitude for the success in worldly life. Success here means whatever you want or have desire is not far way from your reach. It's a positive attitude to see things correctly or at least practicing self hypnosis is key to change the course of life. The basic premise behind the relationship of mind and matter is similar to what Buddha once imagined or the physicist in modern age think about.  Thinking is key to any attitude. It has a significant role in shaping the reality in which we are in. Though, premise is the same but conclusion of a Buddhist monk and a success enthusiast is quite opposite. A Buddhist monk will preach to understand the limitation of thought or desire so that to achieve equanimity in thought and action. For him, being enmeshed in the drama of the world is a root cause of suffering. More you desire the craving for pleasure will increase. And pleasure is an unquen...

What is Seditious in Expression?

History cannot be changed though the discourses which compile the histories in words are changed  strategically to achieve certain objectives. Indian nationalism found its expression against the British colony under its legacy. The transformation of colony into democratic and republic nation happened subject to caveat that its historical legacy remained unimpeded and intact. We may find mismatch in the aspirations of Indian republic with the means adopted by us to achieve that. The aspirations of Indian republic were expressed in the preamble of Indian Constitution. And the means to achieve them is the law we inherited from the British. The burdensome inheritance of British Juridical culture has made the governance lethargic and inefficient, adjudication complex and too technical to be fathomed by mind of ordinary prudence, and development "one dimensional" to refer a book title of Herbert Marcuse; be it urbanization, ghettoization, and "marketization of social goods and...

Life of Philosophy

Who was the first philosopher? Perhaps one who had the first question about life and death. Question is the necessary condition for astonishment we feel hidden behind the miraculous presence of consciousness in matter and substance. Is there any universe without mind and matter? Buddha deconstructed life as five aggregates, consisting of four subtle mental elements and one gross element in nature of matter. Mind is predominant factor, if we rely on Buddha or quantum physicians, in shaping the reality of life. In ordinary consciousness, the question of mind and matter is presupossed as obvious fact. But for a philosopher like Buddha or Ervin Schroedinger, the obviousness of fact is questioned so as to unravel the beauty of truth behind phenomenon. Philosophy is an art of astonishment, a science of truth, and a possibility of unsettlement. It makes the world strange or demystify the strangeness quite often.  Birth of sciences didn't hamper the growth of philosophy rather enriched thi...

Whether History Makes any Sense?

History is a favorite subject of many students including me. What history signifies if I wonder? It is not more than memory or time whose reality is fathomed through imaginative zeal. Many social scientists love archeology to excavate the truth in its marginal existence without relating it to the grandiosity of teleological imagination. And most of the historians chose few key words and exclude many others to create a thread of narratives which become a part of curriculum for the younger minds so that they may feel connected to its past, whether glorious or a matter of shame. In the end, to say, that history is not found or discovered but created is not an untrue statement. History is discursive like many of our sciences are, as hegemonic as medical science in form of Allopathy, which doesn't allow the marginal voices of medicine, in fact, most of them are silenced through myticalization as if one form of science has all the rights to subjugate others through otherization.  Past ce...


 दुःख-सुख के बाहर कोई अपना घर बनाना ये रेत के बादल हैं इनके चेहरे पे लिखे तेरे नाम का कोई वजूद नहीं है वो अस्तित्व भी भला कैसा अस्तित्व है ठहरता ही नहीं, बदल जाता है भारी मन से जो क़दम हर रोज उठाते हो वो क़दम मंज़िल की नहीं मजबूरी की है ठहर के जरा मन के आईने को साफ तो कर लो क्या पता मंज़िल की आहटें तेरे मन के अंधेरे कोठरी में कैद हो विचारों के प्रवाह को कभी पुर्ण विराम भी दिया करो ख़ामोशी में अक़्सर सच्चाई बोल पड़ती है

Permanence of Impermanence

I crave, live, and suffer/ From sickness, old age and death/ I in me remain alive/ Like a burning desire to stay permanent with form/ And identify with it like a real thing/ I is a layer of ignorance/ Which keeps me away from formlessness/ The only reality of I in the world of appearance is the permanence of impermanence/ Behind the depth of all gross things only one life remains eternally possible/ What else will be its identity But zero or formless bliss? To identify is to suffer From the attachment within the world/ To gratify is to suffer from the non-fulfillment of insatiable desire/ To crave for fulfillment is a form of mental corruption/ Nothing needs to be fulfilled/ Every is already full, complete, and settled/ Only mind compels me to remain baffled for a mirage yet to come.