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Showing posts from June, 2022

क्या होता है मर-मर के जीना?

इस जहां की बात ही कुछ और है शायद ही कुछ लोग यहाँ जी भर के जीते हैं लोगों का हुजूम यहाँ मर-मर के जीता है कुछ पाने में सब खोता है जो पाता है वो रोता है है कौन सा पल जिसमें  आदमी चैन से सोता है? इस जहां की बात ही कुछ और है शायद ही कुछ लोग यहाँ जी भर के जीते हैं लोगों का हुजूम यहाँ मर-मर के जीता है कोई शोहरत के बाग लगाता है कोई पैसे की सेज पे सोता है कोई पत्थर पर नाम उकेरता है जीवन के मर्म को जाने बिना हर-कोई भागे जाता है इस जहां की बात ही कुछ और है शायद ही कुछ लोग यहाँ जी भर के जीते हैं लोगों का हुजूम यहाँ मर-मर के जीता है

Limited Choices of a Modern Human Being

Soren Kierkegaard once remarked that modern culture offers only two alternatives: either we have too many choices which confuse us that which one should be chosen or we have fixed limited choices within which we have to compromise. Every person who is identified with his or  h er profession carries out this burden for whole life until pension programme is enabled for the last few years. In the beginning of life choices appear in abundance. In between, choices are constricted but still an adventurous person may break the shackles of profession and can take the risk to wander in different directions. But the last few years of life becomes a monument either to celebrate in the name of bank balance or honour earned or to go down silently in atonement. Jean Paul Sartre investigated the question of choices in his Magnum Opus, "Nausea", and reflected on the limited choices of a modern man, just like a receptionist at the airport fakes the smile whole life with meaningless and inauth...

Dangers to be a Crowd: In Quest of Sincerity and Authenticity

Every event, every experience, every moment passing in our life is a great teacher. I have witnessed those moments when character of a person is blown away in sentiments of crowd. I have witnessed some extraordinary characters who have passed the muster even if circumstances were too adverse to judge as per normal parameter. Gandhi, Mandela, or Martin Luther King, Jr. doesn't become in one day, but it is in that extraordinary situation the character of such persons comes out and shines like Sun. Friedrich Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard, Sartre, they all demonstrated what is lost when individuality is lost amidst clamour and cacophony of crowd. The extraordinary speed of Social Media played a pivotal role in bringing social consciousness and therefore movement like Arab Spring happened in the last decade. But same media is shaping the clay like humans' mind into uniform pattern; which has proved as lethal weapon, killing the uniqueness of thought, feeling, emotions in persons, and...