Healing is required from the wounds. It's natural to overthink as long as samsara exists. Attachment is as real as suffering. This is a fact. The wound of attachment causes suffering in me, you, and us. The desire of pleasure, the hope to continue with a particular feeling or passion is quite natural. The unbound desire to accumulate health, wealth, honour, or knowledge makes one strive to gain more and more. The appearance of life is what if not more than a "will to live" (Arthur Schopenhauer)? The constant struggle of existence is known as life in Darwinian sense. In an ecology of struggle, peaceful co-existence is desired. Buddhist scholars emphasize to adopt Samatha and Vipasyana "to stop" and "reflect upon" the restlessness. As long as, there is a life, the struggle, the strife, will continue. Ashtavakra proclaimed in his Gita that each one of us is the "pure consciousness", who doesn't require any meditation or any effort to be quit...
There is something in everything and everything in something.