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Showing posts from October, 2022

Meditating on Non-Dualistic Reality

Picture Courtesy: Vrindavan Das Introduction: What is Advait? In Quest of the Ultimate meaning of life, Indian philosophers and mystics explored the question of life, death, and reality of consciousness. In Hindu tradition, Upnishad explored the relationship between atman and brahman, which is popularly known as Advait. This school of thought believed in the tradition of Jnana Yoga to contemplate the reality. Jnana Yoga is not meant for every ordinary being reason being, it is a difficult task to transcend the naam-rupa illusion, which makes our reality too entrenched with worldly affairs. It is almost impossible to believe that God is not outside us rather he is expressing itself in various forms. We are not merely the forms of clay rather that clay itself, the essence which pervades in the cosmos who is experiencing the world.  Erwin Schrödinger, a well known scientist, who made the huge contributions in the development of quantum physics, was a meticulous student of Upnishad. He...

Inner Conflicts and Integration: Musing on a Judgmental way of Life

     Picture Courtesy: Reddit Carl Gustav Jung, one of the great psychologists, once wrote about the ethics of a doctor. He said that a doctor, as a healer, required to be non-judgmental to heal a patient. Because, judgment or condemnation has a repressive potential, which is antithesis to healing possibility. Healing requires compassionate attitude whereas a doctor becomes one with the patient and witnesses divine will in the patient. Only an "unprejudiced objectivity" unlike abstract intellectual contemplation, diagnose the patient without any value judgment and heals his malaise. In “judgmental attitude” there is a danger of projection or introjection of Ego’s shadow over the object who/which is judged. Our judgments reflect our own image over others, in the sense that a judge judges or condemns his own being before its shadow is projected over the object, which is known as others. Due to this attitude, a judge suffers in his own self when his own conflicts appears eve...


  यादें कई रंगों में सनी यादें वो मासूम बचपन की जब कुछ पन्ने किताबों के जब पहली बार निहारता रहा था वो काबुलीवाला चाचा कुछ कानों में कह गया था और बाबा भारती खड़ग सिंह का वार्तालाप  जो विश्वास की कसौटी को ऊँचा कर गया था और फिर तितलियों को मासूमियत की निगाह से देख जाना सुबह की पहली किरण का पेशानी पे तिलक लगा जाना सरसो के फूलों के चादर में लिपटी हुई  उन खेतों में छिप जाना वो शाम जब नुक़्क़ा-छिप्पी में खो जाना त्योहार भी क्या त्योहार हुआ करते थे आज भी वो सब कुछ आँखों के सामने है पर उसे महसूस करने वाला मासूमियत कहीं दूर जा चुका है इतनी दूर कि शायद उसकी आवाजें बचकानी सी लगती है