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Showing posts from December, 2022


Time, the most interesting subject for scientists and philosophers; An object of amusement for amateurs. Think about it but it remains unthinkable; Feel about it but it remains transcendental; Keep it at your palm and it will flow like water. O Time, you life, death, and everything; In every form and formlessness; In every joy and joylessness; In every narrative and essencelessness; In every meaning and meaninglessness. Time, an artefact of scientific imagination; The root of creation, nurturance, and destruction; The total sum of Universe and Universelessness; The circular movement; The purposeless play; A poet's dream and imagination. Time, the seed of life; The mother of fear and adoration.

Rationalization and Game of Rules

Tell me a wrong which may not be justified. Justification and rationalization are the archetypical code upon which our civilization has been organized. From the reasoning of bureaucracy to the judgments of courts are based upon justification. Games are, of course, played within the rules. Those who play the game and those who observe the game remain committed to the rationality of game. Does it mean that there is no other virtue required to be observed except the rules and its justification? What is so creative about the rules? Does it follow the change perceptible in our world? Can it ever be adaptable with organic development taking place in our world of reality. We talk about training the skills to manipulate the rules and its interpretation. But in the end, the game is being played within the rule. All manipulated meaning is attributable within the rules. The question of truth, justice, or virtue keeps revolving around the rules. This is how modernity rationalized, positivized, and...