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Showing posts from December, 2023

Plurality and Unity in Life

After a long time, I have got an opportunity to listen deeply the voice echoing in my consciousness. In listening, I find the disappearance of conceptions built from the seeds thriving in my consciousness. Those seeds are there and evolving since millennia, yet their understanding is too raw to draw any definite conclusion. It is only in observing their formations one can witness the unity of everything amidst pluralities and diversities. I am amazed to see that people often talk about plurality of choices, plurality of perceptions and understandings, plurality of thoughts and values, but they stop looking deeply to the mental formations appear on the surface level of mind. They don’t pay heed to the similarity of experiences shared by all the creatures in the universe. They don’t see how our craving to survive and the fulfilment of appetites are one shared reality. Just like every flower appears to be unique but its formations reveal the sun, earth, water, and clouds, etc. in it, and ...

Perfected Imperfections

In quest of peace our mind wanders  But peace is nowhere in future N ever ever lived in past Past is utopia, a plaything of memory Future is an image, a caricature of imagination From thousands of years life is finding and losing itself  Manifesting and blossoming Take it as a form, it is always becoming Take it as the essence, it has remained eternal Desire to win is aspired by a loser Fear to lose is thought by a winner Those who find defeat in every victory and triumph in every loss is sovereign Perfection is a malady, a desire of logician  It lives in thought and dies in disappointment  Mountains are not spherical Clouds are not triangle Trees are not symmetrical Yet nature accomplishes the harmony in imperfections Teach without words Play without expectation Love without consideration Live without ambition Life is not thought It is lived.