In quest of peace our mind wanders
But peace is nowhere in future
Never ever lived in past
Past is utopia, a plaything of memory
Future is an image, a caricature of imagination
From thousands of years life is finding and losing itself
Manifesting and blossoming
Take it as a form, it is always becoming
Take it as the essence, it has remained eternal
Desire to win is aspired by a loser
Fear to lose is thought by a winner
Those who find defeat in every victory and triumph in every loss is sovereign
Perfection is a malady, a desire of logician
It lives in thought and dies in disappointment
Mountains are not spherical
Clouds are not triangle
Trees are not symmetrical
Yet nature accomplishes the harmony in imperfections
Teach without words
Play without expectation
Love without consideration
Live without ambition
Life is not thought
It is lived.
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