The most simple question is the most difficult question one may pose. To what extent one may travel is the most pertinent question. It is the ability of thought that to what extent it can unravel and question the questions. Questioning the questions is the quest to know the question itself. In knowing the nuances of the question, and through piercing the derivatives, which mystify the question on surface level, one may travel towards the anima, the dark matter of thought, commonly known as metaphysics. As long as human beings are quarrelling on and debating over "one track thinking" (Martin Heidegger), creating a dogma of common sense to avoid the existential questions, thinking will never be free from the dogmas of philosophizing unidirectional and singularity of concepts and categories, recycled from thousand of years by greatest thinkers who thought but never thought afresh from the very beginning of the history of ideas. Therefore, the most thought provoking food for thou...
There is something in everything and everything in something.