Our media and medium of thoughts are too "common nonsense" that everything is offered to consume for masses is far away from any decent sense. That may not even appeal to a standard of common sense a child bears in her early age of infancy. In the rat race of publications, "wasteland is growing" (Nietzsche). Whose debris is unfathomable to be cleansed by any mindful exercise or market of yoga. In the age of all so many media and mediums and not a pure thought, all many rights of expression but nothing to express meaningfully, who is really thinking. We are of course engaged in "language games" (Wittgenstein), playing with the icons, creating and decimating icons, but for what and where this game is heading towards, if not this trick has been played innumerable times to gain and consume "one track thinking and thought" at the cost of avoiding the "Being of all beings" and its relationship to our beings, which are playing the game of hide and seek in the dimension of Will or what we know as Time (Heidegger).
The most simple question is the most difficult question one may pose. To what extent one may travel is the most pertinent question. It is the ability of thought that to what extent it can unravel and question the questions. Questioning the questions is the quest to know the question itself. In knowing the nuances of the question, and through piercing the derivatives, which mystify the question on surface level, one may travel towards the anima, the dark matter of thought, commonly known as metaphysics. As long as human beings are quarrelling on and debating over "one track thinking" (Martin Heidegger), creating a dogma of common sense to avoid the existential questions, thinking will never be free from the dogmas of philosophizing unidirectional and singularity of concepts and categories, recycled from thousand of years by greatest thinkers who thought but never thought afresh from the very beginning of the history of ideas. Therefore, the most thought provoking food for thought is that still we are not thinking (Martin Heidegger). We are not thinking about what calls on us thinking. We are not thinking as long as we do not allow the subject of thought to respond to our process of thinking. Since our prejudices and conditioning are running after thousand years of evolution, therefore the freshness of our mental vision to free us from the blockage to see what is apparent is lacking. We think in concepts and systems which were once thought a fresh but their beauty have lost the character of freshness. They are no longer helping us to actually see the love blossoming in truth (Krishnamurti). Our past is in conflict with our present and future, which is always provisional and transitioning. Our mental habits, to arrest what was there and what is now as well as what is yet to come, do not allow us to see and think afresh from the very beginning, much before Socrates who really thought about the life.
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