Portrait Courtesy: Saatchi Art O Manas, the seed of all desires! The weaver and witness; of unending cosmic plays. Thy spirit inheres; in every form, in each movement. What manifests, without thy will? Where does the world disappear; if not under thy everlasting arms of compassion? Infinite worlds manifest and disappear, through thy sight, in thy embodied spirit. O Manas, the progenitor of kalpana! The singularity of all the cosmic vibrations! Who else is the Creator; of the multifaceted dreams? Who else is the Witness; of the everlasting worlds? Their kaleidoscopic colours, and their engaged plays? If not thy spirit? If not thy imagination?
Painting Courtesy: Pinterest You touch everything; Yet you remain untouched; What is the mystery are you, O time? Some say you exist; Some say you are not; Yet you are the witness; Of every movement; What is the mystery are you, O time? You, the only witness of all desires; You, the only predator of all life longings; You, the only question; You, the only answer; What is the mystery are you, O time? What makes you so patient; To witness the cosmic play? What makes you so standstill; To witness the birth and death of all inclinations? Who is the progenitor? And who is progeny under your arms? What is the mystery are you, O time? Every shadow of life; Lives under your yoke; Each leap of heaven and hell; Is lead towards your shore; Each knows you; Yet forgets you; What is the mystery are you, O time?