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Showing posts from November, 2020


Pure joy of action And the moments of reflection Keep aside reaction Just flow without direction Remain empty for salvation Don't take too many information Be mindful of your emotions Life is worthy of devotion Be it success or devastation Dance without any invitation Only happiness is your destination Keep moving with young generation


अच्छे इंसान की खूबसूरती को चश्मे के रंग से देखने की अक़्सर भूल होती है, अच्छाई शीशे में नहीं दिल में उतरती है  और आंखों में छलकती है। अहंकारी की भाषा में उसके अक्स का वज़न सबसे ज्यादा होता है एक प्रेमी से मिल कर देखिए वो टूटे पत्तों सा हवा में तैरता रहता है बिना किसी परवाह के कि आशियाने से कब मिलना होना लोग अक़्सर कहते हैं संभल कर चलो  आजकल लोग सयाने हो चले हैं भीड़ की शक़्ल देख उसकी तस्वीर नहीं ली जाती हर एक जीवन में धूप सी रोशनी और रात के स्याह से बादल होते हैं कमाने को तो लोग नाम और शोहरत कमाते हैं पर कुछ लोग होतें हैं जिनके बारे में पीछे में भी बात होती है तो चेहरे पे मुस्कान छलक जाता है अर्जित करना शायद इसे ही कहते हैं।

Pawn of Others' Dreams

When I was young and alive Profoundly deeper was etheric sky The moment ambition took its flight I became a pawn of others' dreams And their insurmountable cries  Mountains were then a traveler's joy The moment ambition took its flight I became a pawn of others' dreams        And their insurmountable cries I was then listening many voice Silence of my soul and its deeper lullaby Melody has lost its touch  Amidst cacophony of artificial tide The moment ambition took its flight I became a pawn of others' dreams And their insurmountable cries  I find around too much light Too many colourful but fake smile Crowd is everywhere taking one side I was then a free careless child The moment ambition took its flight I became a pawn of others' dreams   And their insurmountable cries

Dynamism of Political Process: An Optimistic Note for Progress

Recent few weeks have been significantly important for the world. Particularly, election in America and its final culmination is celebrated across the world. Celebration does signify the triumph of liberal value. But what is so liberal about current trend of liberalism? Pro-market freedom at the cost of extreme inequality, unemployment, catastrophic health facilities, debilitating trade unions, crisis-ridden conditions of labourers, miserable farmers, distressed young members of the society, and so on. Inequality has increased up to such an extent that 0.1% of the total population of America own 20% of the total wealth of the country. Health care facility is significantly inaccessible to poor lower and middle classes. In the name of medical facility, insurance companies are being benefited. Almost 2 lakh 40 thousands people have lost their lives due to Covid-19. These miserable conditions are not the byproduct of one regime or administration. There has been a long tradition since Reaga...

Curvature of Political Power and "Tryst with Destiny"

The United States of America has elected its 46th President and first ever women Vice President in its entire history of the republic starting from its "tryst with destiny". Political power is so significant and insignificant; attractive but momentary. If it is used for the protection of week over strong or to ensure justice for every member of the society, then, it's the greatest achievement. Our world doesn't ask for any Alexander or Napoleon. We need a few benevolent administrators, justice and peace loving sages, who personify the Platonist ideal, like "philosopher king". The best governor governs less,  nevertheless leads from the front. The greatest leaders are the responsible leaders, who don't like credit to his or her name rather love to see his or her people happy, just, and peaceful. "A leader is best when people barely know he exists", in words of Lao Tzu. Pandemic is one of the toughest challenges of the humankind, which needs to b...

Freedom and Salvation: Beyond Class Instinct

Sectarian violence could be understood in context of its origin, structure, and implications. Naturally, violence has something to do with violation of ethical standard of life. Human being is supposed to be a rational animal, who is able to appreciate what is the value of autonomous life and free will. To use a Kantian metaphysical category; human being, though is integral to nature, has capacity to transcend its limitations, so as to overcome the ramifications of ergotism, inclinations, passion, greed, desire, and so on. Human being as a legislator of moral law is supposed to write his or her own law, which is not supposed to be guided by external heternomous limitations. To choose something, motivated by reward or due to fear of punishment is no choosing in the lexicon of Immanuel Kant. Such act remains too mechanistic and determined by the causality of nature. Though, I don't accept his reductionist approach towards nature, which was, of course, guided by Cartesian and Newtonia...