The United States of America has elected its 46th President and first ever women Vice President in its entire history of the republic starting from its "tryst with destiny". Political power is so significant and insignificant; attractive but momentary. If it is used for the protection of week over strong or to ensure justice for every member of the society, then, it's the greatest achievement. Our world doesn't ask for any Alexander or Napoleon. We need a few benevolent administrators, justice and peace loving sages, who personify the Platonist ideal, like "philosopher king". The best governor governs less, nevertheless leads from the front. The greatest leaders are the responsible leaders, who don't like credit to his or her name rather love to see his or her people happy, just, and peaceful. "A leader is best when people barely know he exists", in words of Lao Tzu.
Pandemic is one of the toughest challenges of the humankind, which needs to be tackled with courage and cooperation. It's an opportunity to reflect upon and correct the way humanity is progressing. In this juncture of our journey, we need some great leaders, like, Buddha, Gandhi, Mandela, Abraham Lincoln. Becoming powerful is the greatest gift as well as the biggest responsibility. Like Oscar Wilde once said, "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it".
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