I am wondering what is the source of hate-mongering from which India is suffering from. A country of Buddha, Mahavir, Kautilya, Gandhi is burning for the sake of nothing. Violence is perpetuated everywhere. Criticism is made without reflecting upon the words one is using. Ecology of shifting the burden and the debate of us v. them are too parochial in nature. Media is selling the hatred and contempt, which is always a profitable business for them. In fact, violence is the cheapest product, which is easily sold in the market. Love and compassion are not too attractive virtues to be adopted.
Happiness is impossible unless one deeply goes into the root of all these debates. A conditioned mind, unless reflects upon its source of suffering, moves around the peripheral stimulations and identifies itself with some image. Image is a byproduct of imagination which can't be true. Our world is temporal, which is always changing. No image can capture its dynamics. No concept is vital enough to embrace all the nuances of our world. But human's mind creates an image of self and others; from this standpoint, all the imaginary construction is created, including a dichotomy of friend-enemy. The image of friendship blocks a mind to go further and inquire the reality, likewise the image of enemy is created without reflecting upon such imaginative conclusion. These posturings make it difficult to accept the fluidity and temporality of life. Most of our ideological positions are the byproduct of unconscious conditioning, which compels one to take an unreflective position. Image may rigidly define all the relationships, but in fact, no relationship can be carved upon an edict once for all. A mind who doesn't accept change is a dull mind, which cannot feel and express love and compassion. I am hopeful for a better future, if our younger generations are able to grasp the futility of discourse. Their most important concern is moral and political progress, economic stability, and a reflective life towards our fellow beings, creatures, plants. Differences and pluralities are the greatest source of our strength as a Nation. And this strength is required to be strengthen even further.
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