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Showing posts from August, 2018

पृथ्वी जीवितों की है

आज रक्षाबंधन का दिन है और मैं लायब्रेरी के एकांत से एक कोने में बैठ कर नोम चोम्स्की का लिखा हुआ एक पत्र, जिसे एक जापानी उपन्यासकार केन्जाबुरो ओ को लिखा गया था, पढ़ रहा हूँ. यह पत्र एक इंसान के अंदर पल रही एक महान उथल पुथल को दर्शाता है. जब अमेरिका ने हिरोशिमा और नागासाकी पे आण्विक बम गिराया था, एक जश्न का माहौल था उस देश में. नोम को यह जान कर गहरा धक्का लगा था, वे किसी से कुछ भी बोल नहीं पाए थे, बल्कि एक जंगल में बैठ कर घंटो सोचते रहे. आख़िरकार विनाश भी किसी को सुख दे सकता है क्या? जहाँ कितने घर उजड़ गए, कितने सपने दफ़न हो गए, भला उन्हें कुचलकर कैसे सुख पाया जा सकता है? कैसे चैन की नींद आयी होगी. मानव के विकास का यह सच हम सब जानते हैं. पर जानना नहीं चाहते, बस ये तो नकारात्मक बात है ना? क्यों बात करें इसकी! नोम चोम्स्की कहते हैं कि इन सारी समस्याओं की शुरुआत उस विचार से आती है जो हमें सिखाती है, "अपने बारे में सोचो". इस प्रकार हम अपनी पहचान को इतना छोटा कर लेते हैं कि आखिरकार बस भूल ही जाते हैं कि हम किसी एक समुद्र में यात्रा करने वाले सब पृथ्वीवासी हैं. भला कब तक ख़ुद में सि...

Musing against 'Institutional Fetishism'

Modern life is a fit case of routinized boredom. What it seems to be 'Modern' is itself a question of complex character, though its referent is presupposed as something which is against the tradition. Traditional values were revered by society in pre-renaissance centuries. After technoctic shift in the vision of life; from individualistic preferences to 'Institutional Fetishism'; Church, Muth, or Temple became the centre of power, (Weber names it Traditional Authorities) copouled with the sacred vision of life. In a new power game a twist could be traced in the "Protastant Movement" in the leadership of Martin Luther and Calvin- a new Spirit of Age (Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent), or to say so, a new "Ethics" of peculiar kind emerged (Max Weber, Protastant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism), which is reflecteed in the Auto biography of Benjamin Franklin. Max Weber defends his hypothesis with a subtle differentiation between what it appears to be...

आलोचनाओं का कैसा हो बंधन?

पिछले कुछ दिनों में हमनें मीडिया के माध्यम से, चाहे वो सोशल मीडिया हो, प्रिंट मीडिया हो, या फिर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया, अटल जी के निधन पे कई संदेश पढ़ा. हालाँकि सोशल मीडिया में कुछ भी सोशल नहीं दिखता है, मेरे जैसे कई अदृश्य चेहरे हैं जो मिलने पे वास्तव में अजनबी सा मालूम पड़ते हैं पर लाइक और कमेंट वाले स्पेस में बहुत ही सक्रिय दिखते हैं. हाँ, तो मुद्दे की बात ये है की लोगो ने अटल जी के निधन पे बहुत कुछ लिखा. लोगों ने उन्हें अपने अपने तरीके से याद भी किया. राजनेताओं ने अपने स्नेह से भरे किस्से लिखे. पत्रकारों ने एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन वाले प्रश्न के पन्ने पलटे मानो कोई तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करने वाला शोध का छात्र हो जो आज कुछ नया निकाल कर देगा, कुछ ऐसी बात जो पहले ना कही गयी हो ना ही सुनी गई हो! ऐसा कहा जाता है की किसी भी व्यक्ति की मृत्यु पे उनके योगदानों को याद किया जाता है. उनके जुझारूपन और सहनशीलता को समझा जाता है. कुछ कमियां हर इंसान में रह जाती है, यहां तक भगवान के प्रतिरूपण में भी समालोचना, आलोचना की गुंजाइश रहती है तो फिर इंसान क्या चीज है. महान दार्शनिक हीगल का मानना था  कि हम कोई...


When an economist writes in sense of natural aesthetics only miracle happens with his pen. Reason is though not required to explain everything, though in this case I dare to rationalize my earlier statement. Economists are good at their subtle vision of materiality; you may take several examples, lead towards this hypothesis. It is materiality leaps towards aesthetics, only then miracle happens. Miracle is not a cult practice; it is a sense of wonder, like a child inhabits on innocence. It is in fact a quest of inquiry without fear or shame. Writing is a social affirmation and an art of 'surrealistic pragmatism'. You write what you perceive; I would rather say, 'You write what you want to perceive, and in fact, you perceive the way your willing moves your cognition. Everything is there to perceive; it is upto you to canvass how do you want. Writing is abhored by Philosophers of old traditions. I don't know what is old and new; everything exists in transition to borrow...


The term 'Property' in semantics denotes 'to own'. Its linguistic, cultural, philosophical, and legal evolution start from Latin 'Propius', then in French it was known as 'Propret'e', middle English named  it 'Propete', then what we know today as 'Property'. There are various theories of Property, starting with Natural Law theorist like Blackstone, Pufendruf. They believe in natural reason, in a way prefer possession of object who occupies first, but positivist like Herbert Spencer mixes it up with labour. The father of metaphysics Immanuel Kant and one of the great metaphysicians, Hegel find out personality interconnected with property. They believe that it is 'Capacity to Will' which segregates human's kingdom from the 'Law of Nature', in that sense property is the natural extension of personality, it expresses the 'Will' of a human being. The Positivist like Thomas Hobbes also gives importance to the ...


I'm contemplating and reflecting here upon what is known as devil to the very idea of development and progress. Socialism and Communism, you may call them two myths or two visions? Progress and development know how to prune what is unwanted and obnoxious, how to belittle and usurp, how to include to exclude, or how to exclude to include, for the sake of emancipatory hues and saturations, yes I'm talking about an ordinary story of a species who have disappeared from this planet though some of the country states have adopted a new version of conformist Socialism which appears as a pariah to many, reason being, its working is dangerous and perilsome for those who are propagating a development model which is development of few at the exclusion of many. Like Orwellian paradox, where all are equals, but a few are more equal than others.  Some commentators claim that Plato and Aristotle were socialist. Reason being, Plato was looking for an ideal State, a state which is often un...

Why is Radical Romanticism avoided in Public Discourse?

Nature has a way to be romantic and realistic at the same moment, because romance is no strange phenomenon, instead it is a possibility to avoid 'official love' (Derrida, Of Grammatology), an insignia of 'Humean Emotivity' ('Emotivity' here means the translocation of epistemology to the emotion as David Hume suggests in his treatise on human understanding). Romance in its ouvre is the first law of nature and there is none which I may call second one. Universe in its spreading horizon is the manifestations of fine balance, whereas each dimension is romantically attached to other one. Here I'm not pretending to show the representative character of philosophy, neither I'm trying to romanticize what we know as tragedy. But nature in its tragedic character is more romantic than in its creative role. For example, creation could be understood in three diverge dimensions; creativity, created, and structural grammar of creation. These dimensions reduce creation...