Modern life is a fit case of routinized boredom. What it seems to be 'Modern' is itself a question of complex character, though its referent is presupposed as something which is against the tradition. Traditional values were revered by society in pre-renaissance centuries. After technoctic shift in the vision of life; from individualistic preferences to 'Institutional Fetishism'; Church, Muth, or Temple became the centre of power, (Weber names it Traditional Authorities) copouled with the sacred vision of life. In a new power game a twist could be traced in the "Protastant Movement" in the leadership of Martin Luther and Calvin- a new Spirit of Age (Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent), or to say so, a new "Ethics" of peculiar kind emerged (Max Weber, Protastant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism), which is reflecteed in the Auto biography of Benjamin Franklin. Max Weber defends his hypothesis with a subtle differentiation between what it appears to be "Capitalism" and "the Spirit of Capitalism". While the Capitalism was and is a universal phenomenon since antiquity, on the other hand, the "Ethics or Spirit of Capitalism" is concerned, it could be traced after the "Lutherean Calling Spirit emerged", and Profit making values and conduct became the ideal notions of the exemplary kind. Once Economy was running after the needs of everyone, now it started running after the pure profit motive. Here profit becomes an end itself instead of leisure or pleasure. With the requirements of a system of profit to run, more predictable, calculabe, and rationalized law was required. This is the way english jurists like Hobbes, Bentham, Austin, and Hart, went back to the Romans, particularly Justinian Code, to bring back a codified and rationalized law, and in a way people like Henry Maine condemned Indian Legal systems, due to its unpredictablity. The Idlyc Village (Max Mueller, The Sacred Books of the East) Community in India was never prone to 'Institutional Fetishism'. They had certain other ideals to cherish upon. Interestingly, the White Men Burden had achieved their goal; they did create some machinized men who, in the name of Free Labour and Free Market, became the champion of Liberty and Secularism. They all play with institutions, and remain within the boundary of it. But they ignored the very limitations of Institutions. For that it was required to have capable humans who could sail it through. The money making machines are afterall expert in knowing money and expropriating it more than investing in human's capabilities. This is how the baffling and miserable life of humans on this planet started and is still continue. Nowadays, the Money and Power are two Sovereign Masters to modify the Benthamite Utilitarian Calculus; the two life goals around which every other feathers and features revolve on.
Good night!
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