What do we understand about science in the era of "Technological Rationality"? How do we know about what really do we know? May be, you need not to think too much about these questions. Technology will take care of all sort of "verdictionary" politics (Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics). Technology provides those underneath and beneath rules to derive a sense of truth. The real power lies in "right to decide", to refer Carl Schmitt. Then question is what is truth? How do we know about what is truth? And what are the limitations to know the truth. This is a foucauldian paradigm, an art of impossible, which provides the basis of all "normalising powers". Science is desired by homo sapiens for the sake of power. The master narrator, Francis Bacon, once remarked that "knowledge is power". The quest of knowing is mastering. Ignorance is despised. Even Kantian paradigm went into the similar direction to discipline human minds as per...
There is something in everything and everything in something.