I don't write unless subdued and liberated by creative urge. There are plenty of facts to share but none to believe. Facts are not after all independent in its existence. They're the born babies of human artefacts, mostly created for the sake of some pressing urgency, sometimes elevated in godly fashion, most of the time fascinated with Methodism and structural biasness of Modernism. Modernism has not yet been achieved though modernisation as a process has established many a factories of facts. The proud scientism has obsessed many a social scientists to create the truth of his choice with the selection-non-selection method. This world is not so black and white; the grey colour could be emboldened to suit what is desirable. Knowledge is afterall not what we know, but what is desirable! Facts are the units around which the life of a knowledge system is worshiped, beyond which you're susceptible to blasphemy. The quest for repitive laws are too ugly to feel what is truly unique and beautiful about a fall of leaf to the ground; what is really special about Universe who has no single theory of everything? There is no single perceptible law in Universe which may be credited to our existence. The core of life experience lies in our perceptible dynamix; if we could leap beyond the 'Platonic Cave' to see and feel a different Sun which was already there. Life is not about knowing or lavishly earning for generations; it's about courage to explore what we're and what we're not! Unless we're denying formalism in our lives can we expect freedoms in meaningful ways? Life may start with 'being', but it's important what it 'becomes'. Liberation is not a modernity project; it's about 'control' and 'repression', to refer Sigmund Freud. The Civilizational Discontents could be redressed in meaningful ways through conscious citizenry. Institutional excellence which appears in Rawlsian Constitutional scheme is no readymade guarantee of Justice and Freedom. Shackles are hidden in our reluctance to practice the creative urge. We're the source of our own happiness; and it doesn't come with materialist urge; it naturally belongs to our creative urge!
Aristotle once wrote in his Nicomachean Ethics that there are four significant virtues for human beings, namely Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Courage. There are a few judges who have courage and sense of justice, both. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rohinton Nariman has been truly an exemplar judge and erudite historian, theologian and philologist, a great scholar of music as well as a courageous and meticulous jurist of our country. He did his Master of Laws from Harvard Law School in 1980-81 and taught by one of the finest jurists of the last century, Roberto Unger. He became Senior Advocate in 1993 in the age of 37 and also served as Solicitor General of India in 2011 before he was elevated as a judge of the Supreme Court of India in 2014. He delivered many landmark judgments, including Shreya Singhal v. Union of India. There are a few people with whom time moves too fast, but to count that experience takes ages. Justice Rohinton Nariman is one of those great jurists with whom a meet...
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