One day when 'I' die
All would born as free life
The long struggle to be
Would turn out to be a mirage
Whose mystery is long known
But forgotten
Every concern or engagement
Is an escape to forget
The first germ of life; its completeness
Shackles are nowhere
But imagined as real
One day that image would disappear
And a blank sheet would represent
The Being and Nothingness
My mother my light
Has merged into the shadow
To witness the geist
Glittering in every particle
All around ether
One day when I laugh
On the seriousness of playfulness
And let the things flow
Without any expectation or resistance
The day would be a new dawn
To the spirit of wholeness
And unity of phenomenon
Fragmented in an age of reason
And anarchus egoism of individuals
One day the expression of collective
Would loose its relevance
When man would realise
The silent spirit
And its feminine mystery
Lovely! Got the essence, sir. What is the hidden meaning behind 'feminine' mystery? Why did you choose to connote mystery with femininity? Still pondering ๐ค