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Showing posts from March, 2019


इत्तेफ़ाक की बात है बस किया धरा तो कुछ भी नहीं था वो कीचड़ से सने पैर ने मेरा बेड़ा पार लगाया था मेरे नन्हें हाँथों को जीवन के सलीके सिखाया करता था वो ख़ुद तन्हाई के भँवर में गोते लगाया था बस शोर शराबे बदलते रहे हैं वो आवाज़ तो आज भी लगाता है मेरी चौखट पे ना जाने क्यों वो रौशन दस्तक़ दे जाता है वो चलता है मेरी परछाई बनकर जबकि मैं बड़ा दूर निकल आया हूँ वो मिलेगा कहाँ भला उसका ठिकाना जो भूल आया हूँ प्यास लगी है बहुत मुझे चलने की, ठहर जाता तो शायद उसे देख पाता वो ज़िन्दा भी है या नहीं ये इत्मीनान तो हो जाता ना जाने क्यों पर वो शक़्ल मेरी आँखों पे धुंधली हो चली है मिलता तो वो हर दिन है मुझसे पर मैं उसका अक्स भूल आया हूँ

In search of Friend (Meaning)

One fine sunday morning, in fact today, I have started running like I was feeling healed by air and its lively fragrance; air was too political than polite, soothing my lung. I was little bit faster than usual, in fact, not ready to remain there; I was there but not there. I was there with no sense of belongingness; it was a routine work; nothing like a Sunday, a break. All my workout remained there without a help. I was thinking about jalebi; it doesn't matter either you run with die-hard spirit, or visit a gym, food compensates your labour like a true heeler. Newspaper, particularly The Hindu is notoriously a Sunday consuming project. You read it, I bet you won't feel like reading it, in fact, The Hindu tests your perseverance. I claim with little bit exaggeration, there is no scope of finishing it like any other newspaper. Sunday project is always in making like a Kafkaesque parable, closed but open at the same moment. There was nothing really interesting to do, but to

Not More than "Normative Activism"?

Why do we really care about "Judicial Activism"? Indian Courts are the most powerful courts in the world, at least higher judiciary, with minimum effectiveness. How many judgments are taken seriously by the State? Be it police reform, prison reform, child rights, women's rights, misuse of public office, or corruption, etc., judgments remained as discursive assets, most of the time used by the law teachers and students for class-room discussions. Advocates, of course, make their life better by quoting some paragaraphs from here and there. Why don't we label it as "Normative Activism"? Some of the Judgments are valuable as norms, at least, judgments are valuable than text books on law. Prakash Singh, Former DGP,  did play an instrumental role in bringing up the matter of police reform before the apex court with sensitivity and urgency. The Supreme Court of India passed some significant guidelines for police reform. Until now, no significant progress cou

ख़्वाब और साया

हर तस्वीर में जिया है आदमी हर सांस को पिया है आदमी कुछ हसरत के पंख ना लगे पर वीरान से पथ को चूमा है आदमी कुछ बात अधूरी ही रही कुछ ख़्वाब सवेरे ही रहे ख़ामोशी का साया बन कुछ याद पिरोया है आदमी

पहचान क्या है?

ज्ञान है? विज्ञान है? समझ है? विश्वास है? अहंकार है? संस्कार है? संसार है? विचार है? बनता है? बिगड़ता है? सिमटता है? बिखरता है? आयाम है? व्यायाम है? अनुमान है? अंजाम है? कुछ है? कुछ नहीं है? कभी कुछ है? कभी कुछ नहीं है? पहचान है और पहचान नहीं है!

Politics of Ideology

What is ideology? If it is not a school of ideas which remains dead the moment sphering is passionately done. Ideas were never static, it can never be. How come ideology fixed in a permanent school could be elavted in perpetuity? I'm amazed the way intellectuals align their obedience to a particular school. Ideological attraction has always been not less than passion regarding unknowns; the anxiety of mystery and excitement of a fresh friendship turns out to be a nightmare, the moment potentiality is actualised in "potentiality not to be" (Agamben, Homo Sacer). There is no one ideology in the world; ideas are created and reproduced in a time which we moderately know as normal; about which Thomas Kuhn coins a term, i.e., "epistemic matrix", Foucault names it as "ideological apparatus". Ideas evolve in its production, in its uses and misuses; it emantes most of the time out of pragmatic considerations. It is only when the ideas of existing matrix fail

In Defence of Big Questions

Does God exist? This question can never be proved nor disproved. But questioning itself is something of vital importance to bring the very idea at spotlight. Hypothesis like this is bound to fail; reason being, every hypothesis and its proof or disproof doesn't change anything in the world, except it promotes the very idea of dogmatic empiricism. The grave sin is to examine a microscopic object without looking at in its totality; its fitness and misfitness in a larger, or rather a comprehensive picture. In todays' world of scientism, which presupposes the static world view; any formal logic based upon teleological rationality does create a discourse of imaginary kind, where hairsplitting becomes the method, all too different techniques, yeilds the result of microscopic world view. Why don't we care to go beyond this world view? Why are we so afraid to ask big questions?  All the scientific discoveries, which has been championed by its worshipers have exhausted their

बातों बातों में

कुछ कहानी तुमसे है, कुछ कहानी हमसे है। कुछ अधूरापन सा तुममें है, कुछ बैरन सा हममें है। कुछ तो बात तेरे होने में है, कुछ तो बात मेरे होने से है। ये जज़्बात जो तुममे जिंदा है, ये एहसास जो हममें जिंदा है। लब्जों के सिहरन से दूर, आओ मिलकर कुछ बातें करें।

Questions of Endurance

What is love if it is not in endurance? What is peace if it hasn't passed through sufferance? What is faith if it is not in abundance? What is joy if it hasn't lost in the moment? What is destiny if it isn't being written? What is life if it doesn't transcend beyond sustenance? What is grief if it isn't a recovery of questions? What is bond if it doesn't have a possibility of nurturance?