Does God exist? This question can never be proved nor disproved. But questioning itself is something of vital importance to bring the very idea at spotlight. Hypothesis like this is bound to fail; reason being, every hypothesis and its proof or disproof doesn't change anything in the world, except it promotes the very idea of dogmatic empiricism. The grave sin is to examine a microscopic object without looking at in its totality; its fitness and misfitness in a larger, or rather a comprehensive picture. In todays' world of scientism, which presupposes the static world view; any formal logic based upon teleological rationality does create a discourse of imaginary kind, where hairsplitting becomes the method, all too different techniques, yeilds the result of microscopic world view. Why don't we care to go beyond this world view? Why are we so afraid to ask big questions?
All the scientific discoveries, which has been championed by its worshipers have exhausted their limits of imaginations. This is how an affirmation of emphatic kind comes from the champion of liberty that the human civilisation has reached to the end of their history, as if nothing remains as a mystery to unravel with. Big questions for them are dogmas of purest kind which must not be judged as per the scientific scale. I would rather ask them if they have a method of science to create a truth or to discover them? If not, why don't you ask one authentic question before answering all too often about mini-world view of consumerism?
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