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Gandhi: A Way of Life

Glorification is required for things of past, but someone, a lively idea, a total sum of humanist University, a way of life, finds its roots amidst uncertain paths. Only a lovely mind can appreciate what it means to be Gandhi. One of the greatest learners of the planet, one of the greatest moral scientists, courageous, truth-seeker, a great soul, who had to fight against his own evils before looking at the imperialists' face; a non-symbolic philosopher, who had courage to criticise self, to work for self-cleansing before making excuse and passing the buck on others. A man, who is not responsible, cannot personify humanity in himself; Gandhi was an opposite face of irresponsible machines, produced by rationalized automations in robotic spirit. He was alive, he is alive, and will remain forever in the spirit of humanism. He taught us without teaching, he transformed us without beating any drum of self-aggrandizement, he loved the spirit of life without accumulating any lust for power; a man of being than having; immensely spiritual as well as realistic; immensely truthful about what he was and his limitations as a person.

Modernity as a religion has already estranged humanity from their own nature, transformed their lively spirit into symbol and commodity and its unbounded consumption. Gandhi can heal the "commodified man" and its malaise, in nature of jealous competition. Gandhi as a healer is required, not necessarily as an embodied existence in flesh, but as an idea, a counter thesis to save humanity from the servitude of consumption and alienation. Instead of remembering Gandhi as an idea, a way of life, humanity on the planet is worshiping him as a symbol of love and hatred. It's easy to worship than to live authentically and sincerely. Gandhi doesn't require any iota of love or hatred. Gandhi is the name of sincerity, a spiritual-love, whose blossoms are eternally relevant even amidst the dying stars and baffled heavens.


  1. By reading I started knowing him. After knowing I started understanding him. Once I understood him (still doing that), I started changing my-SELF. Such profound has been impact of this man. Totally empathise with the abovewitten text. I also empathise with the words of genius Shri Albert Einstein that "generations to come..." on Gandhi's demise.

    1. The value of Gandhi could be visualized in context of unlearning practices. You have perfectly explained what it means to be Gandhi. Thanks for reading my blogs and making such a beautiful comment, dear Prashant!!


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