Human being has devised every route to escape his or her own truth. To be particular, Human being loves to become crowd, surrenders his autonomy, freedom, and dignity for the sake of being a thing, an artefact made out of herd instinct. Freedom is impossible to conceive when one's voice is simply a replica of crowd. Freedom and human dignity are protected as cherished human rights values only if the human being loves to be alone in himself or herself, inquires about being and its self-moving activities, and doesn't surrender the conscience in the name of efficiency and expediency.
Listening our own voice is an art of solitude. Working in the office or University, just listen what inner-voice is saying. Just observe the silence between our thoughts and exterior world. In silence, in solitude one can be creative enough to feel the exuberance of life. If one feels disgusted to be silent or afraid from his or her own self, what remedy this world has to offer, except one, i.e., to simply try to evade the basic questions the life consists of?
Accumulating honours is not a solution to this problem. Loneliness is an end product of non-creative life. Creative people have enough to to be with himself or herself. Creativity is possible thanks to a life based upon solitude. Thinking requires time, free from competitive run, in a way, to live a thousand lives in a month, months, or year. Imagination flows into all the directions. And imaginative people are not often compelled to be alone. They are practitioners of an art of solitude.
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