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Showing posts from January, 2019

A Case against Scientific Dogmatism

No thinker deserves the name of thinker unless he or she is on journey of himself or herself. Every outward journey, which is moving on under the romanticization of science, would cease without a leap of self-realization and self-fulfillment. Reality is not a formula which could be encompassed through quantification. The truest wisdom lies underneath the psyche; why do we think if we think like this or that way? Why are we conditioned than naturalized by own volition and will? Carl Gustav Jung gave us some fresh perspectives to think beyond the dichotomy of phenomenon and noumenon; to think and rationalize are the art of a  scientific magician; to know is the task of impossible-possibility. Our myth and culture do tell us about the history of human- consciousness. The modern science is a only phenomenon which could be trusted for its credibility, is a stimulational thesis which is no more than a "leap of faith". Mythology, if taken seriously could tell us more than what sci...

Reflection on Reformative Conformity

Reform is an admired word in politics. It is frequently used to signify the political progressiveness. Every formative practice has tendency to deform and reform; even a traditionalist loves to re-form at per the mirror of glorified past. Formation and reformation have tendency to lynch the  transformative imagination. Transformation, is rather a word, signfies the possibility to escape iron cage which has imprisoned human's will within the province of "sensorial sensations". Reformative practices do promote mediocrity as a virtue to worship; it's better to be hysterical than perverse (Zizek). Hysterical affirmation is a revolutionary task to question what is given ready-made; to the contrary, perversion reflects the very conceived form, the cowardice-affirmative act of conformity. Trans-formation is a task of unimaginable catastrophe; creation is a unique ensemble of pleasurable-pain. However, reformation is a process of conformity with past. Emancipatory politics...

Coherent Incoherence: Ideology of Interest

Information explodes have already strained human's relationship with her nature. Every site of reflection; be it psyche, books, television, or newspaper is a contradictory conglomeration. Reading today's The Hindu lead I'm mesmerized by Krishna Kumar's "Steel Frame or Steel Cage", which is a piece criticizing what it means to a very important person. The way division of labour has been castigated for creation of value; some works are worshipped; some are denigrated. VIP culture is inculcated from the very family, moving forward one becomes aware about the "market of success". Krishna Kumar has canvassed a picture of IAS dreams, however, The Hindu in its Edge glorifies IAS dreams with a piece which has been written by A.K. Mishra, "Gear up for the Prelims". Discourse in today's world has become the "coherence of incoherent ideas". This baffling attitude doesn't remain restricted to any media house. It is the structure of ...

Surplus Enjoyment amidst Disenchanted Cacophonies

The element of surprise and surprising elements of a subject lies in its dislocation from cultural moor, and of course, this transition has its beginning with the consciousness, dies once the habit of dailyness makes the transition complete. Subject's being and becoming ought not to be located through actions of past and present, but her surplus mysteriously makes it open; the scope of becoming remains in transition, remains open for some unimaginable possibilities. The painful coiling amidst cacophonies of merit and competition opens the door to look beyond what has been established as stable. Life deserves its name in its surplus enjoyment, not in its structure, but of its contents in transion. Ego is not a multiplicity of full stops, it must be a transition of commas! For no competition of merit can create any trans-mutative pleasure more than inertia and the death of transformative imaginations. Remembering Rola Barthes I can acclaim that my text is writerly than readerly....

Formalisation of Human's Mind: Towards Orthodox Machinations

What if I suggest you a method to judge your day. For no monetary criteria suits the definion of success, neither any sort of distribution of power defines what it means to be a meaningful life. Modernity has already brought formalisation of human minds which are concerned with triviality of procedural wisdom. The "Agentic State" (Stanley Milgram, Obedience) of human mind is concerned to follow what is written or what is directed than what is relevant in any given condition. The "Society of Control" (Deleuze and Guattary) has reduced human agency into the state of algorithmic wisdom, a Matrix is running on where it has become an impossible task to decipher what is real or naturally driven and what is fictitious reality. Market ethics has already established a set of institutions, including juridical formations of State and other social and political institutions, coupled with enfeebling human's capabilities to think and create, have denounced human society wi...

सिमटती परिकल्पना

आज है, हम हैं और शाम भी है कल की तारीख़ आएगी पर हम इस मौसम में फ़िर ना होंगे शाम इस वक़्त का एहसास दिला रही है मानो जीवन अर्थ और अनर्थ की कल्पना से अलग है दिन-रात की सिमटती परिकल्पना ही मानव अर्थ-ज्ञान का प्रतिबिंब है आज शाम को महसूस कर रहा हूँ ये वक़्त का वो पहर है जहाँ जीवन-मृत्यु का युग्म अधूरा है, ये शाम मुकम्मल है, पूरा है

Rest in Pixel: Epistemology of Death and Facebook

Death of a human being brings animated emotions from someone who was aware about the presence of someone, not necessarily communicating with each-other, however the very awareness of the presence turns, the moment information is shared about the vacuum, into an empty space. Formalising gesture starts to run around a network of knowns; something is written or said about deceased; most of the occasion some soothing remarks are made to compensate the vacuum, however no identical presence returns to receive the gesture. Death is always a phenomenon brings agile spirit to the life, the very meaning and unmeaning of life; the structure and form of life is transitory; there remains the mystery from the very beginning of consciousness that what it means to be alive? Death is never accepted as the truth from the subject point of view; it is spectacle of death which makes it real; in a way, end becomes a matter of sorrow for knowns; a matter of unfulfillment, but from a subject perspective, ...

Once Backward always Backward

What to dream, what to think When mediocrity is the law of excellence What to say, what to articulate When populism is the ethics Mobocracy is the reason Progressive mind is withering away At the cost of passion and emotions Once backward always backward has become a norm of celebration Welfare, governance, justice Empty in signification Equity is the transcendental signifier Impoverishment of imagination Once backward always backward has become a norm of celebration