Death of a human being brings animated emotions from someone who was aware about the presence of someone, not necessarily communicating with each-other, however the very awareness of the presence turns, the moment information is shared about the vacuum, into an empty space. Formalising gesture starts to run around a network of knowns; something is written or said about deceased; most of the occasion some soothing remarks are made to compensate the vacuum, however no identical presence returns to receive the gesture. Death is always a phenomenon brings agile spirit to the life, the very meaning and unmeaning of life; the structure and form of life is transitory; there remains the mystery from the very beginning of consciousness that what it means to be alive? Death is never accepted as the truth from the subject point of view; it is spectacle of death which makes it real; in a way, end becomes a matter of sorrow for knowns; a matter of unfulfillment, but from a subject perspective, something was already dying; end is only symptomatic.
Facebook brings the lively moments, once the pixel brings around some moments of celebratory gesture to the wider audience, so to say, that person remains absent and present at the moment. He or she takes rest in pixel. The picture of deceased brings around us certain memory to cherish upon consciously; in that sense, deceased rest in memory. There is no backward button to share the life; nevertheless facebook brings some ideas from the past lived moments in creation of lively epistemology. The greatest theologian of all time, Soren Kierkegaard rightly articulates: "Life could be understood backward but it could be lived forward".
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