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Life in a Postmodern Condition

What is the biggest joy in which one may in perpetually? Perhaps ecstasy of love, and being loved. For desire to become all powerful and famous is debasement of human's imagination. In the due course of history only famous thing survives is nothing but destruction and creation of everything. Nothing is so permanent to desire for. Nothing is beautiful enough to embrace in perpetuity. The adventurous life is an experiment to become what you are not, to learn, to live courageously, to uncloud the existing unfreedoms for a better soothing life to come. Living life like a slavish habit is a sin to abhor. Habit is often an antithesis to the possibility of wonder (David Hume).More we inculcate wonder more imaginations come to play a role. Experimenting life is the biggest adventure for scepticism is not altogether a bad company. Surrending reason for the sake of irrational wish is dangerous for the life (Burtrand Russell). No matter what you wish, life has its own rules, which happens randomly, by chance (See, example of Quantum Mechanics). Our laws are simply a "statistical mean" of all the extremes happen (Burtrand Russell, Why am I not a Christian). Law is projection of our mind. Nature has everything to express. It doesn't have any exclusive law, remains  for perpetuity. To create law and to worship it like an objective truth is fallacy adopted by positivists. Catholic churches around the globe felt in the same way while pronouncing divine law. Comity of Nations came out with so many declarations with anthropocentric outlook of life and nature. But it never remained as an objective truth. Humankind worshiped authority in nature of parental care, family, society, institutions, but on the other side of the story individualism flourished. Further, right to leave alone has become suicidal and distressing for young minds, who are struggling for the meaning of life. Too much successes are equally poisonous for the possibility of life. That's how the postmodern condition has produced the death of standard. No truth, no value, no sense of beauty is eternal for the devotee of postmodern reality. Now meaning of life is written and painted like an artist had free will to create as per his or her own wishes. This is freedom in today's sense what we conceive. This romanticism is not everlasting. The path of life is still moving, going away from the established truth. And the wiser is she who is ready to accept the future. Future is always a possibility. Past is dead no matter what you wish to become or what you dreamed since childhood. Future is full of possibilities to rewrite the dream, to transform it. And the wiser is he who has no fixed plan, but a zeal to listen his heart perpetually, so as to unlearn the wishes of past, and to establish ideals as per the change of the nature around us.


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