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One of the fellows has asked me if the violence is the state of nature in which we humans are often indulged in with passion and poisonous zeal? For what purpose? To destroy what exists and to whisper on for an uncertain future to come? Why so much violence are witnessed in deeds and thoughts of one of the most rationale beings on the planet? If it has something to do with the essence, the nature of man, which is violent in a way? If our sense of peace is terminal, ad-hoc, residuary? Whether chaos reigns as the ruling emperor to the cosmos, including us, within and beyond us what Arthur Schopenhauer once claimed? Why are we so passionate to destroy the existing order, institutions, societal bond? Is it 'will to life' or 'will to power'?The love for all too chaos, like a Joker of Gotham city wishes for, to achieve what? For utopia, for dream, for wishful desire of power, for name, for fame, for richness, for ugliness? These set of questions come out in the middle of baffling mind, who is afraid to tread, fearful to live. For our ignorance could be blamed for fear what we sometimes inculcate without judging the situation in reality. Man has no perfect essence, no perfect nature, no perfect picture! Man is what it does. Sometimes harmonious, few times magnanimous, sometimes romantic, few times detached. You can't find one single answer. Violence and peace coexists in every possible domain of our live. And to rely upon the master narrator Steven Pinker, The better angels of our nature shows us that we have progressed from the situation of wild beast to the civilisation. Our sense of punishment has witnessed transformation, our commitment for the protection of humans in our state of society has strengthened without iota of doubt. Pessimistic approach to human nature won't solve the problem but it definitely aggravates it. Violence is aberration, peace is the order of the day. Society exists in peace but with certain aberration when the passion of the humans emanate into tragedy for our collective conscience of society. There is no essence of our society, it is simply the reflection of our projections, our will, our dream, our feeling. Life has everything what we may conceive or imagine. Only beyond imagination the dark matter pervades which haunts back often through passions and cries of ego!


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