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"Secularism is not the binary opposite of communalism. The opposite of communalism is religious harmony. Secularism is the diametric opposite of theocracy or the merging of two awesome forms of power — the non-religious and the religious. Theocracy simply does not fit into modern democratic imaginations", writes Neera Chandoke. 

L. Fuller while developing the inner morality of law, drifted a bit from external morality of law, while drawing a picture of "inner contents" of law. Secularism is quite similar to the idea that the contents of secularism are not drawn from theology, rather from its absence. It is external morality, which asks for "state neutrality" in the matter of religious believes. It's a thinner concept unlike a thicker one, which has no task to rationalize theology, but to leave it alone for the conscience of the citizens. Secularism is a spinal code of democracy, which couldn't be reduced to majoritarian ethics, it must pass the test of "overlapping consensus" (Rawls,  Political Liberalism), to draw plurality, uniqueness, and a common realm of identity in nature of citizenship. Secularism was earned after the mad dance of sentiments bewitched European souls. And to enrich it they chose to constitutionize it. It doesn't mean that the value of tolerance is an European ideal. It was deeply rooted in the civilization of China, India, Africa, and many other places. The practice of tolerance was a practical necessity for the society and its survival. Accepting the difference and co-learning are not what we know ae "Westphalian ideal". It was simply re-invented through Westphalian Treaty, and was attached to the notion of ethnic nationalism. Indian nationalism was cultivated and established out of situational necessity and colonial experiences, for the politics of hatred created chasm within the minds and souls of Indian cultures in British colonial era. Gandhi, Nehru, Patel, didn't invent any new thing, but their firm commitments to the ideals for co-existence made them the founder of modern India. Whose future lies in spirit of tolerance, acceptance of difference, and harmony. 

Every view of life which chooses to cross the rubicon of selfhood is a life of enriched values, to think and to act beyond self is a courageous task, and to accept what is stranger to oneself is the value which makes a democracy possible. To denounce every bit of differences is a reflection of cynical attitude towards learning and co-learning. The best practice is nowhere, but to become better is our goal as a rich civilization. For secularism is our first nature, and we would remain committed for it, because the India of India is its plurality, its uniqueness, and semblance of unity and diversity. I appreciate Prof. Chandoke for writing such a wonderful piece, for no other time is more perfect than ours.


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