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Every day is a learned lesson and a part of learning process. Learning, in fact, is a journey, a destiny, a faith. Those, who are willing to learn is a better person from past, and will be better in every possible way. In Greek, Plato philosophized that everything is in process of decaying, and the perfect copy is outside from the domain of time and space. The moment a copy of the perfect form appears in the process of time and space, it's bound to lose its original vigour and strength. It starts dying the moment that copy appears in the domain of time and space. On the other hand, Aristotelean philosophy doesn't accept this premise. Aristotle writes that everything by birth has potentiality, which is realised subject to formal, substantive, efficient, and the final teleological causes. Potentiality is not the perfect copy of original. Potentiality is the beginning. The final cause may be realised or may not be realised. Actuality may differ from the potentiality. What if we aspire to  re-invent our potentiality? That is very much possible that the re-imagination might be a liberatory and emancipatory act in many ways. To accept the fate of potentiality is to surrender before the possibility of immanence and transcendence. For re-imagination demands sincerity. One, who is willing to learn will transcend all the limitations and short-sightedness. One, who is sincere enough, so as not to justify every compulsion, is a person who has his own standing. One, who is not willing to sermonize, but let his imagination flow, without any glimpse of consequences or perception which may occur in the minds of other people, is a person who has wisdom and courage enough to transform his life in every possible way. I have changed many a dreams. I dismantled many a perspective and perception. I don't avoid my criticisms. I'd love to find the best critic in me, so as to swim under every current, without realising that for what I am meant to. There is no essence as such that defines me. I am essenceless creature, who is free enough to put on and put off many a skin, without any fear or shame that I don't remain what I was. I was never a person. I'm many a bundle of persons. I love paradoxes and contradictions. Because, reality is not exclusionary and specific. It imbibes every is and evey is not. Today, I have learnt not to change the world; every change starts with self and end also in self. All people cannot become alike. Let them what they are. It's only their self-realization that will change their vision of lives. If you're willing to change them you're simply making them reactionary. No one changes himself only due to sermon. Sermon is the worst art of teaching. The true freedom is to allow what they are capable to. No imposed discipline is required. It's self compulsion that is necessarily instrumental in every process of change and transformation. With these words, I rest my imagination. Thanks and regards.


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