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Proliferation of Ideas in a Post-Question Age

Genuine questions deserve the name question otherwise every sentence organized with a question mark doesn't deserve to be labelled as questions. I often get puzzled to see many ideas are floating around without its relationship to any genuine question. Do we have any question to ponder up? Or we want to avoid questions? The first question begins with who is thinker? I am a thinker or a bundle of thoughts? I am thinking or my society and my history is thinking? Thinker thinks in language or thinker is capable to perceive the truth beyond any language? Isn't possible that we the human species live around the world of language, its structure and signification? Isn't it possible that our world is symbolic and idealistic? We as thinkers live in the language and express in the language. Language is the limitation of our world as Wittgenstein argued. Or to say so, our world is a binary reality, consisting of a world like any other animal, who has certain basic instincts, and also a world of symbols as a necessary condition for the organization of society, politics, religion, science, law, and economics. Their existence is possible thanks to language and its unique use to share the ideas and belief. On the level of animalistic instinct, we live in real world, but symbolically our minds are occupied by some strange symbols. We behave irrationally and superstitiously. Only humans are the animals who are committed to fight for something very shallow and trivial because of ego-consciousness. We create a culture of symbols, whereas words like "thank you" and "sorry" are uttered without any feeling attached to it. It appears to be a mechanical gesture which is often used in sophisticated symbols. In such a strange culture, one rhetorically uses the symbol of love and kindness, and behind that gesture ego flourishes, like one feels proud to be philanthropic not for the sake of doing things generously to eliminate suffering of others but to add up a list of achievements one is engaged in. The most exploitative business concerns appear to be too kind to ignore their works of charity. But do they genuinely feel the suffering of poor and ill or they define their own success-chart through demonstrating how much kindness they have? These questions are often unaddressed by academia, though we have to say about many things, in fact, everything. But the question is do we have any authentic question or we are living in a post-question world?


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