Edward Said, one of the fabulous writers of the 20th century, redefined the role of intellectual in his fierce critique against organic intellectuals, who are inimical to the truth. The pursuit of intellectual, after the emergence of Industrial age, has tilted towards legitimation of status quo, for intellectuals remained committed to the faithful towards power. The classic division of labour established a professionalized elitist apparatus of intellectuals, who accepted comfort over truth to hold power and privileges in their hands. Antonio Gramsci, in his Prison Notebooks, noted about two types of intellectuals; a) Traditional Intellectual; and b) Organic Intellectual. Organic is really a romantic word for historicist and naturalist. However, in this case, organic intellectuals are considered status quoist, for they compromise their honesty and a sense of truth. Julien Brenda in his classic Book, Treason of Intellectuals, published in 1927, categorised two sorts of intellectuals, o...
There is something in everything and everything in something.