Those who don't have questions rely on unbounded answers of authority. Revelation was invented as a full stop for inquiry. Relying what big people say enslaves and dulls an inquisitive mind. Ready-made answer is the most illusionary product of our culture.
The reality of our universe is approachable by the tool of three questions; what, why, and how. Modern science has restricted itself to how question only. Inquiry could be invigorated with a simple question of "why" without relying upon what a great man had said once upon a time. Those who desire to craft footnotes may continue searching authorities for validity. There is a difference between validity and truth. Every valid thing is not necessarily real. It is, in fact, a byproduct of human's thoughts. The whole culture of research has restricted search and inquiry. It is presupposed in re-search that the best ideas have already been searched and inquired. Our duty is only to carry them on in our texts, contexts, and footnotes. But what exactly do we know about the universe? Our knowledge seems to be just a footnote of the vast reality. Our microscopic view to search has already been circumscribed and blinded under the light of British Utilitarianism and American Pragmatism. And the irony is that modern-day professionals are interested in portraying some "useful-truths". Truth may or may not be useful. It may be total waste. But still it can't be effaced or avoided.
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