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Showing posts from November, 2021

Fragments of Society in Post-Social Reality

Portrait's Credit: Jaron Su Social media is not so social, it is anything but a social reality. Aristotle was right for his age that Man is a social animal and for him life is nothing without society and politics. But his statement seems to be bizarre in a world of social media. Social media is a good medium to connect a person living too far temporally and spatially. But that kind of connection is anything but social. I was once upon a time suffering from fever. Whole day was creeping like Einstein's relativity theory became true to my case, i.e., a painful day is as long as a year has passed. Meanwhile, my facebook account was flooded with my birthday wishes. Everybody was wishing for me a good day. But it wasn't joyful as people wished for me. Whole day I was engaged to reply thankful message. I was grateful towards people for their kind behavior towards me. But the pain was not relieved anymore. I was wishing at least one person to come forward for medicine and food. In...

सत्य का स्वयंवर

कोई चले समुंदर दान दिए पूरे पथ पर उफान लिये जब सच्चाई बेचा जाता है वो सच ही कहाँ रह पाता है ये सच का भला कैसा पक्ष है सही-गलत का द्वन्द क्या सच है जहाँ विरोध मौन हो जाता है जीवन सहिष्णु बन जाता है देखो पक्ष-विपक्ष की सभाएँ वो जहाँ वाणी में कटुताएँ हो वो क्या सत्य को जिएगा जिसमें पुर्वाग्रह से बनी असंवेदनाएँ हो वो मनुष्य ही कहाँ बिना अनुभूति के वो समाज भला कहाँ बिना सहानुभूति के जो स्थितिप्रज्ञता को पा जाता है जीवन संगीत हो जाता है


देखने की ज़िद है तुम्हें आँखें मिली है देखने को पर ये भी कोई बात हुई अपनी ही परछाई देखते रहते हो कुछ नया कुछ अलग देख पाया क्या तुमने मालूम होता है तुम्हारी आँखें शदियों से वही कहानी दुहरा रही है रहने भी दो  देखने की ज़िद ना करो देखना ही है तो ख़ुद से दूर हो जाओ इतनी दूर कि ख़ुद की परछाई ही ना पड़े वो दिन रौशनी दिखाई पड़ेगी अभी तो हर तरफ तुम्हारा ही साया है और तुम ख़ुद को ही बोझ की तरह ढ़ोये जा रहे हो

खेल खेल में जीवन देखो

खेल खेल में जीवन देखो पतझड़ देखो सावन देखो भ्रम में उलझे रावण देखो पथ भी देखो मंज़िल भी देखो उलझे मन की अड़चन देखो पद भी देखो प्रतिष्ठा देखो सुबहो शाम की प्रतिस्पर्धा देखो क्रिया देखो प्रतिक्रिया देखो उन्माद से जन्मी हथकड़ियां देखो कभी उगते देखो कभी डूबते देखो उड़ते सुख-दुख के बादल देखो कभी आते देखो कभी जाते देखो मायाजाल में भरमाते देखो रुठते देखो मचलते देखो खेल खेल में जीवन देखो

ये दुनिया

चमक दमक में उलझी दुनिया ख़ुद से हर कदम भागती दुनिया कौन देखा है अंदर का सच  जहाँ चकाचौंध में जागती दुनिया इज्ज़त शोहरत की भूखी दुनिया तमाशों में उलझी दुनिया कौन सुनता है खामोशी को जबकि शोरगुल में बहरी दुनिया चंद कागज़ में बिकती दुनिया प्रेम से नज़र चुराती दुनिया अंतःकरण को कुंद कर न्याय के गीत गुनगुनाती दुनिया ऊंची आवाज में गाती दुनिया आवाज का दाम लगाती दुनिया प्रकृति को पैरों तले रौंद कर महल-अट्टारी बनाती दुनिया


Let it go. Anything you have accumulated; memories, resources, things, relations, positions. There is no permanence of anything; there is no substratum to hold on. Be wise and let it go. If you don't death will annihilate everything. But that moment won't be joyful for you. Your desires, wants, cravings are suffering. There is no desire ever fulfilled. Its unquenchable nature makes one more thirsty. Find a single being in the world who has satisfied all his desires. It's impossible. Don't hold on. Let it go. Life is meant to be lived in its fullest ecstasy. Those who surrender ego become life expressing itself in various modes and forms. In fact, surrendering is not a positive act to be performed. It is a mental attitude which is vital for feeling the beauty of life as well as its sublime ecstasy and its mystical possibilities. Death is not a permanent event yet to happen. It's happening here and now. Death is as temporal as life, as vital as any living phenomenon. ...

Awake o Human Spirit

Awake o human spirit  You're dying for a piece of paper  While forgetting the source;  Tree and its timeless patience to stand and deliver fruits of its labour Awake o human spirit You have had such a long night Full of horrors and deceptions; Lies, conceits, and meanness  You better start afresh  And see the healing touch of nature inside and outside You better forget your programming of progress It has downgraded you as inhuman and subhuman  Awake o human spirit  Why are you selling everything? There is no buyer worthy of you Don't demean the spirit even god was once upon a time proud of you You better don't pretend to be clever Intelligence without heart is an artefact without soul Awake o human spirit Feel the music of life In starry sky and in your own consciousness Universe is not a material stuff only It is also vibrating inside you There is no wisdom in accumulating Which is bound to be lost in a way too long to carry any heavy baggage Awake! I...

In Praise of Compassion

Ladies and gentlemen, Greetings! I am writing a few words about much celebrated concept often used by so called progressives in defence of "pluralism". Another popular term from a culture which claims to be a defender of European rationalistic culture and its liberal values. The celebrated word is "tolerance". In popular parlance, literally, it signifies an attitude to accept the difference, "the act of allowing something", or "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own" (Merriam Webster). Noble vision indeed! But the real question doesn't belong to here. What makes it so imminent to envision a culture of own and a culture of difference? Behind the imagination of difference there is an attitude to envision self and other. The attitude of "otherisation" itself is a subtle form of narcissism. The central point is ego facing the world at large, conquering nature, self, or others. Eg...


दुःख-सुख की उत्पत्ति के पीछे कोई अनबूझ रहस्य नहीं है फ़र्क इतना है कि हम जानना नहीं चाहते जो आंखों के सामने है उसे अनबूझ पहेली मान कर बैठे हैं अँधेरा है नहीं, हमने ही आँखें मूँद लिया है। डर के साये में जन्में हर एक अस्तित्व में प्रेम नहीं हो सकता जिसे बाहर से थोपा गया हो  वो अवांछित अस्तित्व है उसके जीवन में जीने जैसा कुछ भी नहीं एक डर का साया है और उसे पकड़ कर बाँध रखने में ही जीवन की सारी ऊर्जा खर्च हो जाती है। संगीत का जन्म आंनद में है जिसका ना कोई ओर है ना छोर ना कोई शुरुआत है ना कोई अन्त ना कोई रास्ते हैं ना कोई मंज़िल ना कोई वासना है ना कोई दौड़ वो प्रेममयी आनंदमयी अस्तित्व की चाह में मीरा गीत गाती है कबीर, रैदास दोहे लिखते हैं और वो अस्तित्व कहीं और नहीं चेतना में मिलता है जिसे भुला कर मृग कस्तूरी की चाह में वन-वन भटकता है। प्रेम करने निकले हो  तो समझ लेना प्रेम को समझे नहीं जहाँ मन है वहाँ प्रेम नहीं जहाँ प्रेम है वहाँ सारा अस्तित्व है!

Jurisprudence: An Art of Romans

There is not a single society in the landscape of time and space which has not witnessed anarchy and law simultaneously. The urgency of law is hidden in the anarchy itself otherwise who cares about law and its regulations. Undoubtedly, emergence of society and its organization require rules for the maintenance of order. And in case of deviance, law is used as a therapeutic tool to maintain the discipline in the functioning of institutions for the social goods. Society is no abstract entity rather it is composed of flesh and blood of human beings, who make sacrifices for its sustenance and also enjoy freedoms in abundance. There is no question to question the very necessity of law in the imagination of society. Many civilizations since antiquity imagined about law either developed in mythical literatures, theological rationalization, or in terms of secular codes. Solon was considered as the first law giver in Athens like Manu, Brihaspati, Narda, Vishnu, etc. in India. He opened the inst...