Let it go. Anything you have accumulated; memories, resources, things, relations, positions. There is no permanence of anything; there is no substratum to hold on. Be wise and let it go. If you don't death will annihilate everything. But that moment won't be joyful for you. Your desires, wants, cravings are suffering. There is no desire ever fulfilled. Its unquenchable nature makes one more thirsty. Find a single being in the world who has satisfied all his desires. It's impossible. Don't hold on. Let it go. Life is meant to be lived in its fullest ecstasy. Those who surrender ego become life expressing itself in various modes and forms. In fact, surrendering is not a positive act to be performed. It is a mental attitude which is vital for feeling the beauty of life as well as its sublime ecstasy and its mystical possibilities. Death is not a permanent event yet to happen. It's happening here and now. Death is as temporal as life, as vital as any living phenomenon. It is memory which gives a sense of permanence. We are just a sequence of thoughts without any connecting thread except memory provides a sense of permanence. No form is eternal; behind every form substance is the same nature which has movement and which is conscious. Universe is not just a machine which may be decoded in the language of mathematics as understood by Galileo or Newton. It is neither a created artefact of a master creator believed by Aristotle of Greece nor as brute, stupid, or unintelligent outgrowth. How can it be possible to conceive intelligence like human beings in an unintelligent Universe? It's logically impossible to think about a mechanistic Universe whereas human beings and other creatures are intelligent enough to comprehend the law or logos behind the Universe or at least it is imagined to the fullest possible capacities the human beings have. It means life is no less spontaneous development expresses itself in various modes but the substance is the same consciousness vibrating in you, me, and us. Don't treat yourself a thing to hold or a subject matter of possession. Life can't be owned. It is always already in flux.
Aristotle once wrote in his Nicomachean Ethics that there are four significant virtues for human beings, namely Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Courage. There are a few judges who have courage and sense of justice, both. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rohinton Nariman has been truly an exemplar judge and erudite historian, theologian and philologist, a great scholar of music as well as a courageous and meticulous jurist of our country. He did his Master of Laws from Harvard Law School in 1980-81 and taught by one of the finest jurists of the last century, Roberto Unger. He became Senior Advocate in 1993 in the age of 37 and also served as Solicitor General of India in 2011 before he was elevated as a judge of the Supreme Court of India in 2014. He delivered many landmark judgments, including Shreya Singhal v. Union of India. There are a few people with whom time moves too fast, but to count that experience takes ages. Justice Rohinton Nariman is one of those great jurists with whom a meet...
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