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It was 4 years ago I joined LL.M. at Faculty of Law, University, and in second semester, I came to know about two great thinkers of our time, Upendra Baxi and Marc Galanter. Prof. Baxi with his pen wrote some of the finest works, including Sociology of Law, Indian Supreme Court and Politics, The Future of Human Rights, and The Human Rights in a Posthuamn World, etc. Interestingly it was Prof. Baxi who brought a paradigm shift in learning and unlearning of Law, particularly in context of Indian Jurisprudence. His style of writings, though he admits that it is bit complicated, "I have worked in the 'Belly of the Beast'", he remarked when I had opportunity to ask the question about his language two years ago. His writings are more or less value neutral but very provocative. His pen transcends conventional juristic craftsmanship in search of "Sociology of Law" what Dean Roscoe Pound and Prof. Julius Stone tried to establish, and perhaps Upen (people fondly call him) learnt this art, while working with Prof. Julius Stone in Australia. 

Marc Galanter came as a fullbright scholar, here at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. He spent some great time at Gweyar Hall, North Campus, and wrote some of the finest papers, particularly "Aborted restoration of Indigenous Law", and "The Displacement of Traditional Law in Modern India". Quite a few weeks ago, I wrote him a thanking note, and yesterday in reply, he wrote me back. And It was mesmerizing experience to know that he is still working on, especially he is interested to work on "Khap Panchayat in Modern India", even in this age of his career, when memory muscle doesn't work, his journey of  learning and unlearning is still continuing. 

As a youngster you learn from "Exemplars". And Bow down in respect, though both of them will never like any submissive gesture. I don't have a word, though "Pioneer" as an adjective might justify their credentials. I'm fortunate and thankful to Delhi University for taking me in, and for making me aware that legacy is though burdensome but it should not die like anything. Legacy must be preserved and nurtured for a better future to come, not to be preserved in a Museum but should be nurtured in preservation like a garden. I'm resting my fingers with these inadequate words with a hope that sometimes in future I'll find some better words, a better dictionary, to demonstrate what have they done in their remarkable journey!


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