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Justice: My Strange Friend

I am writing here to express my life experience regarding justice, which has been not so soothing experience over the years. Justice is not, as per my cognitive capability, a fact to be deciphered through senses. Justice is not an idea which is so complete. Substantially, justice is not a concept which is fundamental in defining the building blocks of human’s life. Justice, rather, is an arbitrary expectation on the part of subject, which sometimes remains internally encaged within the ethical verses of an ego, other times, it appears as an expectation in due course of societal behaviors and relationships. Justice is painted as a sacred desire which appears to be sacrosanct in limine, however, with the passage of age all the sacred dreams are shattered and an innocent mind, who was happy under some hallucinated reality, suffers from irretrievable breakdown. From there only, justice appears to be a dead concept. Might appears at site, the true law of nature; a real law of society. Justice for a privileged one is to protect that privilege. Justice for a rich one is cause impoverish human conditions for others for the sake of relative richness to be preserved for perpetuity. 

Humans are by nature the laziest being on the planet, compromised its capacity to be ferociously just in desire of leisure and pleasure. For they have created a myth of order and security. What is so stable and secure, except putrefaction of spirit and energy? Dogmatic leap of humans has doomed their fate. They have been cursed for their capacity to justify each sin, committed against enfeebled animals and plants. Justice remains as a utopian dream in the mind of virtuous soul, once that sleep is disturbed, reality is here; a treacherous person can earn money and respect in human’s society. A virtuous sentient being is bound to suffer from the merciless extermination of profound wisdom. In fact, justice is inaccessible when one cries for its majestic effects. Justice is accessible only through the voice of mightiest. Machiavelli’s poisonous philosophy reminds me the real world, when he writes, “It is better to be feared than to be loved”. (Machiavelli, The Prince). Only power, cruel power is the reality. Justice is a legitimate mask which justifies the dominance over weak. Justice is an act of labeling to exclude the the fruit from a labeled obnoxious tree. Virtue is a Christian value which has caused the ferociousness of human’s animality! You take every foundation of justice; every edifice is a sheer result of "politics of power" and the exclusion of enfeebles. 

Justice must be liberated from a dogmatic belief that it is achievable by anyone. It must be emancipated from the semantics politics of hegemons. In a world of hyper-reality what else could be expected from the fox, except treacherous demands, and insincere commitments!


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