Writing about something is a task of exemplary courage, and writing about nothing is of course a fun of anxious wanderer. Something matters to everyone deep down living under an intervowoven thread of the society. "Something" is a question of existential nature which invites multiple criticisms, myriad ways of observations, negation, sublimation, and elevation. I am sorry for using Hegelian terminologies, but the fact is, what I find compelling here to express is that our society has not responded with urgency to the various existential crisis in mature and delicate ways. The deep divide between poor and rich has reached to its extreme consequences. Somebody rightly said, we can fight against poverty either by exterminating the structure of impoverishment or abolishing the poor. It seems that we have taken the second mantra more seriously than a prior one.
Culturally and politically, we the humans on planet Earth have developed a unique kind of "exploitative mentality", based upon calculative reason, again something given by West to the rest. Our willingness to master nature, to master animals, plants, rivers, oceans, and the fellow human beings, have transformed and degraded us from emotive beings to someone who appear to be irrational beings. Mastery is an obnoxious fiction which had degraded all the sense of harmony, a beast's passion appears better now than mystery, treachery, and subjugation.
Poverty is one of the few somethings which has remained in the agendas, but a serious effort has never been made to operate the issue from the structural point of view. Our imaginations are dieing, only mastery has remained a quintessential art. We are feeble and enslaved by the aura of power. Wisdom is all too a non-sense talks, in fact, far away from the grammar of practice. People are fighting for nothing. All their energies and imaginations are burning like wasted fuels in creating-opposing identities. Identity is the purest form of poetry, it has nothing to do with any fixed essence. Identity is and has been always in flux. Why are we too much concerned with who I am and who you are? Why are we worried about who is our friend and foe? Every life on planet is a journey of meaning, journey from facticity to transcendence, journey from desperation to the audacity of hope. But we have some common concerns to answer. These commonality makes us in true sense a social beings. And we may remain so at the cost of appreciating something, deliberating something in order to enrich lives and our journeys. Life is always good but it demands better!
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