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Atom and the Universe

Picture Source: Hubble Space Telescope

Once a little dust of sand, lying in a distant river, was brought for the construction of a building. Once that building was constructed, a journalist asked that particle of dust to elaborate the truth about building. Dust had two choices; either he had to believe that he is all too pervasive a tall building which has just happened now, a newly emerged reality, or he is still a limited tiny existence, unable to understand after all, why he is a part of the grand plan of building? As he started inquiry, he couldn't consult every single atom of its universe, i.e., building. It was required to have unlimited time, which was not available in abundance. Just like science is trying to progress with a mindset of accumulative wisdom but time is very limited to fathom about all that exist. That little particle of dust had dilemma, either to approach a piecemeal and gradual examination just like outward inquiry or to approach an inward looking, but it was not possible to know every single atom of the building, perhaps before the structure of that building collapses or before the particle of dust dies. That particle of sand started to observe how he came into being. He found in himself the mixture of all the possible basic elements from which everything is made of in the Universe. Water, air, soil, fire, space, and of course he has evolutionary dimension in time. So to watch each thing in the Universe is not possible. However, watching himself as existence is itself a revelation that everything is made of me and every possible thing is a part of me. If I remain conscious about my existence not as tiny little creation, but boundless Universe itself, the division between essence or atom and little identities does vanish. Only in that situation that dust experiences timelessness and the question of becoming is just a laughable subject for him. He is already universally conscious. Why to go back in fragmented identity? He realizes that truth is not limited, separated as subject-object dichotomy. It is, in fact, the conditioning, which is the cause of identifying with ego, a fragmentary identity, for which people are fighting from millennium. Realizing that this fragmented self is a false identity, one experiences the boundless freedom. There is no longer craving for becoming a little crazy thing. Becoming is a desire possibly happens in confusion, division, and illusion. Being in the moment is the boundless energy, flowing everywhere as life. The beautiful little phenomenon makes him realize the tremendous beauty of the Universe, which is happening in him, in me, here and now. Many stars are dying and taking birth, and the Universe is just happening, expanding, and realizing its utmost happiness and sublime beauty!


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