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What does Progress signify?

In the history of human civilization, progress is a celebrated word, but its meaning is not fixed. Every word as a text moves towards its oblivion as far as its original intended meaning is concerned. In that sense, a word like "progress" has also progressed and its semantic connotation has changed drastically from its original meaning. In the period of Pandemic, the scope of litigation has diminished. It has significantly indicated that the human's society may progress without having conflicts and litigations. There are two visions of progress, one, a materialistic conception of progress, in which litigation is quintessential, a sign of progress. In sociology, conflicts are perceived as the sign of progress. In cosmology, chaos theory is well known and appreciated by physicists and cosmologists. Two, a spiritual conception of progress, whereas conflict is impossible to conceive. Spiritual progress is not a progress of ego rather a progress towards the cosmic consciousness. In the moment of total attention, Universe reveals its mysteries. A materialistic conception of progress may lead into the direction of professionalism and sophisticated culture of haves and haves not. Materialistically, every iota of energy in various forms is objectified, commodified, and commercialized. But such progress progresses into the direction of decaying and corruption. On the contrary, a spiritual conception of progress heals the malaise of self-centered misery, sorrow and conflict. The Genesis of conflict is related to the ignorance of seeing things correctly. That was the reason why Ancient Indian Civilization did not differentiate between Nyaya as justice and Nyaya as knowledge. The true knowledge liberates each and every being. And thereafter, the scope of conflict and litigation withers away. Buddha was never in conflict after realization. Lao Tzu preached to "be like water". In flowing like water, there is liberation from inertia, freedom from self-centered ego. That state is the fearless state of change. The Materialist progress has its limit, which is visible to us in everyday life, but the spiritual progress is infinite. Energy never dies. It simply transforms into various forms. If energy is wasted in conflict, the realization of our true self is impossible to achieve.


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