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Showing posts from March, 2021

What It means to have Leisure Time in our Compulsive Culture?

Picture's Courtesy: Olson Kundig "The modern life has brought a compulsive culture, whereas people are craving for the time of leisure with no avail". This is a hypothesis which I intuitively believe in, but I would like to examine if a compulsive culture is a reality or not for the contemporary societies? And the second variable is to assume that people have craving for leisure time, like Sunday or any other holiday. On the first question, I would like to know what it means to say "compulsive culture". Culture is all about sharing the values among the members of the community, in belief and its practices. There can't be a culture at the atomic behaviour of individual. It needs to be shared by society or at least a majority of its members to say if a culture exists or not. "Compulsive" has something to do with compulsion. Compulsion is an absence of freedom to exercise choices. It means non-existence of freedom. Freedom may be conceptualized as the...

Knowledge and Belief

Faith ends when the knowledge takes it course, and in the finitude of knowledge faith enters into the realm of human's life. One cannot choose one without choosing another. One cannot investigate what it means to know without believing the prior building blocks of knowledge, language, rationality, historical and philosophical justification for inquiry, etc. One has limitation to conceive the domain of knowledge, being finite being with limited experience. Our imagination makes us believe in a darker world, which may not be logically established or empirically proved. Yet, people are losing touch with faith and embracing information as knowledge. Post-modernity neither allows the leap of faith nor rationality and objectivity of knowledge. Due to lack of faith relationship appears to be hollow, devoid of values, and knowledge is consumed as information without any discrimination whatsoever. People lose the touch with the work as they are compelled to do in imitation of others. But th...

वो हँसता-खिलखिलाता नादान सा बच्चा

वो हँसता-खिलखिलाता नादान सा बच्चा जिसे दुनिया ने सच बताकर बूढ़ा कर दिया खेल-कूद में डूबा था भला सच का क्या करता इस गंभीर खेल ने उसे अंधा कर दिया भागता फिरता है ख़ुद से  कई सवाल जो उसके आँगन में डेरा डाल रखे हैं और जब लौटता है थक-हार कर अपने घोंसले में वो सपने वो कहानी याद आती है जिसे बचपन के धागे में बुना गया था खेल तो आज भी खेला जा रहा है फ़र्क इतना है कि इस भाग-दौड़ ने उसे अकेला कर दिया उलझने तो आज भी है पेशानी पे फ़र्क इतना है कि आदतों ने उत्सुकता कम कर दिया वो हँसता-खिलखिलाता नादान सा बच्चा जिसे दुनिया ने सच बताकर बूढ़ा कर दिया

इस खेल में हम अपने ही संगीत को खो बैठे हैं

जब कभी रात के साये में मिलता हूँ इस शीतल सी रौशनी से एहसास होता है कितना अच्छा होता हम आदम भी एक दूसरों के साये का काम करते चाँद ने भला कब ज़िद की थी सूरज से कि तुम मेरे हमजोली बनो और सूरज ने कब कहा था चाँद से कि तुम लुकाछिपी खेलो दिन और रात का खेल भी कभी बंद नहीं होता मालूम होता है दोनों आंखमिचौली का खेल खेलते रहते हैं अधूरे जो ठहरे एक-दूसरे के बिना एक हम ही हैं इस ब्रहाण्ड के महफ़िल में ग़मगीन अकेला व्यक्ति अपने ख़्वाबों में खोया हुआ मानों पूरे अस्तित्व का बोझ हमारे कंधों पे है भेद-विभेद के खेल में हम प्रेमी कम गुप्तचर ज्यादा मालूम होते हैं जिसे इस बात की फ़िक्र है कि हमारे महफ़िल में किसी दूसरे शख़्स की आवाज़ ना गूँजे और इस खेल में हम अपने ही संगीत को खो बैठे हैं

भला पूरे पेड़ की सुध-बुध किसको है?

 हर कोई एक डाल पे अटका है भला पूरे पेड़ की सुध-बुध किसको है? हर कोई बटा-बटा सा बिखरा है प्रेम की संपूर्णता का परख किसको है? उसूलों के हवाले से उसूलों का अस्तित्व मिटा-मिटा सा है संकेतों के अतिरिक्त भला सच्चाई का अनुभव किसको है? हर कोई बातों-बातों में उलझा है बिना बातों के संवाद का अनुभव किसको है? रिश्तें झूठ के सेहद पर टिका है रिश्तों में सच्चे प्रेम का अनुभव किसको है?

वो कौन सी खामोशी है जहां ख़ुद से पहचान होती है?

 रास्तों में अक़्सर चलते चलते कई चौराहे मिलते हैं कौन से रास्ते हैं भला जो मंज़िल तक जाती है? कभी दिन के बहाव में कभी रात के संसार में गिरवीं सपनों के बाज़ार मिलते हैं वो कौन सी मुक़म्मल घड़ी है जहाँ प्रेम के पंख आसमां होती है? बातों बातों में दुनिया जहां होती है वो कौन सी खामोशी है जहां ख़ुद से पहचान होती है?

Death of Ideology in a Bipolar World

It often happens that a person doesn't discover a single idea in a life time. A few discover but does not keep it for long in practice. Only rare people discover some path breaking ideas and give everything to it. In previous statements, I have presupposed the meaning of idea. It is psychic or spiritual, remains active in the mind, which may be practiced externally through individual conducts or social transactions. It's strange, but true, that we, the human species, are the greatest processor of ideas. Yet, do we invent anything new or are we processing or consuming the information as a good consumer? What is a better hallucination than being remained as a prisoner of ideas without knowing from where it is coming? Do we have conviction upon the ideas we are processing as information? Do we believe in any single idea or every practice is just a symbol for a moment to thrive? If answer is yes, in that case, why do we have suspicion about each and everything?  Law has been concei...

Defining the Definition: The Life of Language and the Language of Life

Nothing can be defined through words. We simply play a game of words to replace one word for others. Just like dictionary keeps replacing words in the process of making the meaning of a word clear. For any beginner of language who doesn't have clarity about any single word will puzzle the dictionary. He will go on thinking what if dictionary is in mood to play a game to create confusions? Dictionary for such amateur is an end product of funny game, which revolves around a circular structure without availing any stable result. When I ask  to define the definition itself. And one begins to define the definition with a presupposition of its meaning  already keeping in mind that definition can be defined. In the process of defining definition one forgets that the value one is going to capture or assign through definition is preceding the definition itself. Just like God or Infinity cannot be defined by finite being. Likewise the meaning of definition which precedes the words in de...

Self Love, Self Interest, and Compassion

Picture's Courtesy: Pinterest The modern-day imagination about "self-love" revolves around self-interest, which may be defined and explained as "pleasure and security craving instinct", believed to be inherent in every creature, as portrayed by Thomas Hobbes. After Charles Darwin's publication of The Origin of Species, every imagination on the phenomenon of life contracted around the anxiety of self-preservation, which is conceived in context of self-interest or self-love. Hobbes' celebrated statement about Human nature is often quoted with a sense of certainty, as if one has discovered the truest and the most profoundest law of human's nature. Machiavelli went ahead with his realpolitik sensibilities and articulated human's nature with no sense of altruism. And the history of ideas vis-a-vis self-love has been progressing towards or revolving around self-interest, selfishness, craving for security and pleasure. On the contrary, to conceive self-...

The Feminine Ethics

Herbert Marcuse in an interview with Bryan Magee described about the "feminine" ethics as saviour for the humankind. Women's day for me is the celebration of passion and compassion, unlike crude and abstract intellect, which are integral to the feminine ethics. Masculinity has already produced many catastrophes, which are unbearable to the world community. World needs good and sympathetic leaders, who care about the alleviation of suffering like Gandhi, Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr., etc. Egotistical culture of claim and counter claim is antitheses to the world peace. One day cannot be a matter of celebration for the women's day. It's about constant vigilance of our conducts and behaviors, which may be able to nurture a bond of health and prosperity among each and every members of the society. It's very strange indeed to reduce every excellent virtue as a part of symbol. Feminity cannot be merely a symbol to celebrate rather a defining e...

Strange Passion for Freedom

Complex talk is a sign of under-confidence about self. The most beautiful aspect of life is its clarity and simplicity. The purpose of conversation is sharing of feeling, emotions, and wisdom. In reality, nobody likes to listen with profound attention. Everybody likes to prison his self in the opinion of others. Success in that sense is socially regimented opinion apparatus which is making the modern man insane to catch a symbolic fish. Inside heart is empty. There is no love and fulfillment in greediness. Insatiability signifies the inherent lack of love and compassion for self and others. We have more freedom of religion but faith over none. We have freedom of conscience but the inner beauty is lost in symbolism. We have freedom of opinion, but all opinions are socially regimented opinions, including my one. We have freedom of life but we have reduced life into a amassing machine, which is engaged in accumulating each and everything in a sense that life is lost like a thing to be exp...

Universe within You

Duskiness is a challenge to be defined by a mind cultivated to reflect in binary. Binary is as good as any standard of judgment, lives for the moment to be displaced by a new finding, already there potentially to be uncovered. All judgments are potentially limited, which don't reflect upon all the colours one is capable to embrace. Standard is always in your mind, conditioned and conditioning the experience right now. In silence the integrated truth reveals to us, with its strangeness and freshness. Never judge a person since you're not aware what one is capable of. Never limit your life in the language of professional identity. Leave it aside for the history to make all sorts of contested value judgments. You're meant to feel and live every bit of breath. You're meant to explore this beautiful world, its total strangeness. True experience is possible beyond the habitude of mechanical thoughts. Love and embrace the universe within you. Elevate yourself from practicality...

Life without Binaries

Expectation of success brings forth the anxiety of failure; Quest of progress means one is demeaning the real progress happening always; All moral categories are the mother of good and evil; Justice is demanded when injustice is rooted in our conventional reality; Every attempt to suppress the opinion boomerangs into proliferation of discourse; One who thinks too much lives less; One who moves all the time robs his inner beauty and peace; Celebration of every victory is the seed of hatred and contempt one receives; Every joy of power culminates from powerlessness.


 आज मुद्दतों के बाद चंद पल फुर्सत के मिले हैं तन्हाई का नाम देकर इसे बदनाम ना करो मिलते तो रहे हैं अक़्सर ख़्वाबों में हमारी तकदीर पर आज हकीकत को हमारे होने का पैग़ाम तो दो घड़ियाँ हैं, ये भी बीत जाएगी  ठहर कर जरा चाँद का दीदार तो करलो डर के साये में रहकर ये पँख उड़ान से कतराने लगे थे आज सफ़र को एक ऊँची उड़ान तो दो भागते-भागते हमने कल्पनाओं का समुंदर पी लिया है जीवन जीने के लिए बातों को विराम तो दो