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Knowledge and Belief

Faith ends when the knowledge takes it course, and in the finitude of knowledge faith enters into the realm of human's life. One cannot choose one without choosing another. One cannot investigate what it means to know without believing the prior building blocks of knowledge, language, rationality, historical and philosophical justification for inquiry, etc. One has limitation to conceive the domain of knowledge, being finite being with limited experience. Our imagination makes us believe in a darker world, which may not be logically established or empirically proved. Yet, people are losing touch with faith and embracing information as knowledge. Post-modernity neither allows the leap of faith nor rationality and objectivity of knowledge. Due to lack of faith relationship appears to be hollow, devoid of values, and knowledge is consumed as information without any discrimination whatsoever. People lose the touch with the work as they are compelled to do in imitation of others. But the question is if life is possible without faith? Do we have meaning of existence in the type of rationality which is compelling people to run away from their own emotions, feelings, intellects, in search of readymade object of pleasure, which, at the end, appears to be will-o-the-wisp. There are many committed atheist, monotheist, polytheist, and pantheist, but how many of them believe what they profess and propagate? We have scientists who proclaim to discover the rational knowledge to solve all the problems, but harder they put the efforts to discover the remedies, larger in proportion the maladies grow. The gap of knowledge and the problems faced by human's species are too huge to cover in near future, especially, if the scientists are committed believer in their method and rationality. Without belief life is impossible. And to believe half-heartedly makes the people confused about the direction and meaning of life. It's good to believe in something and remain committed for it. At least, it is more meaningful than a journey of unfaithful rationality.


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