Who can pursue happiness? Happiness is not a dream. It's not an achievement, a thing of future. It's an attitude, a state of being, a habit of being instead of becoming. Human species is the only one creature who reduces all the beautiful feelings into a possibility of becoming, even if it is absent at the moment. Possibility is a key word of teleological imagination; a movement, a plaything of time. Who knows what time is if not a state of movement? If something is moving what is the nature and character of that thing since it's nothing more than temporal. Temporariety is the real character of existence; does it mean nothing exists except time and its movement? In that sense, there is no perfect time; every moment is imperfect perfection or perfect imperfection. There will never be transcendence from hell towards heaven. Both are cousin-brothers. You dare break the binary, there is no perfect space or time to occupy. If anything is real, it exists here and now. If happiness is real, it must not be postponed at the scale of time. It's happening here and now. What else is the most desirable aspect of human's life than happiness? In fact, it is postponed constantly for an illusion at the risk of embracing miseries and fears of miseries as the perpetual companions.
Indian thinkers of ancient age never gave emphasis on time or chronology to postpone the vitality of moment towards a perfect state of being. They were aware about the falsity of possibility. Actuality must not be too dependent upon possibility otherwise it loses its vitality. Actuality is actual, it's real. Possibility is unreal, a thing of future which may or may not be actualized. Why to worry about a state of being which may or may not come true in future? Actuality is always already a moment of present, even though our baffling minds will run away for another desire to attain perfection in future, and it will follow like a game of infinity till the game is over. Now tell me my friends, whether pursuit of happiness is possible? Never! Happiness is here and now!! ๐
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