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India is really witnessing a new normal, a transitional vacuum, a sense of paranoia is visible around us. Friend-enemy dichotomy, a gift of rationalized (Weber) and "desacralized  society", for Carl Schmitt must be smiling for his prophetic posture he gifted to the world in the name of "Political Theology". "Secularized myths" are good enough to dress upon a restless body, but less effective in treatment and cures. Ambedkar was right in his prophecy about socio-political contradictions, which have belied all the constitutional hopes, for he was hopelessly experimental in his pragmatic love for the constitutionalism. It's a myth that institutions are good enough to nurture humans for spiritual and intellectual growth. Just look at any known society in history or in our contemporary time. You'll be amazed to find that this hypothesis is devoid of any sense of truth. I feel, It's better to invest for a good and sensitive human life than to establish a height of official truth, which does create a sense of hope, but at the cost of degenerate humans, who are good for nothing, but do idolize and idealize a few half-truths.

Categorization and labeling are the genuine task of the scientists, a very serious art, for I remember a genuine cry of Wordsworth, who once remarked, "to dissect is to kill". But in our age, the demagoguery has adopted it in spirit and ouvre. People are fighting for ideology without having any authentic idea to profess. Ideology without idea is not less than transcendental violence against any sensible truth, which will perpetuate some muddy myths in a deeply mechanised environment, unless and until we start taking care of our new generations, their hopes and dissentments. India must find its questions in a post-question epoch, otherwise old questions would reign intellectual terror, and will reproduce all sorts of regimented human minds, through "manufacturing consent" (Walter Lipman, see also, Noam Chomsky). For media has already lost its credibility as a genuine mass medium.There cannot be a right-left-centre in ideological sense. This is a false child of categorisation, rolling over everywhere in the development of a few dogmatic friends and of course a few imaginative enemies. Every humans are full of ideas and sensitivities, for this nature needs deep care for its malleable potential to blossom. It's impossible to be apolitical person, as Aristotle said much earlier. But to eclipse everything for the sake of politics is an over-optimistic attitude. So, in a way, we have changed the meaning of leadership, which revolves around political leadership. I don't know that where are we heading to? But certainly there are masses, who are purchasing every new day some hatred and a few buckets of contempt. Which are too common to ignore.


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